I have an AWESOME video to show you, if my husband can get it uploaded. It is of their Rocket Engine in a 2L Bottle Experiment. I was watching and taking pictures, but didn't get a picture of the rocket in action, ZOOMING at Ki's head with the fire tail twirling. I about wet my pants. Why did I let them talk me into these things??
I'm so excited for January! Yesterday I worked on J-Term planning. It was pretty easy. The older 2 are doing Computer Programming, You can CLICK HERE to read those plans. Brian will be teaching them the actual programming and assigning projects, I just planned a few research things to round it out a bit.
Brian took them out on a Computer Programming Field Trip yesterday. J-Term got a head start, thanks to the Movie Theater. My computer Programming Class went to see TRON.
Ki's Theater Plans are a little more extensive. (click to read). And we will doing an IMPROV DAY on Wednesdays and hope a lot of our homeschool friends will join us!
And, of course, our BIG PLANS are the C.S.I Classes!! I wrote those plans already (CLICK HERE to read our CSI Plans!) But spent some time reviewing them, making a few adjustments, and nailing down some time slots. On Monday we will have a Crime Scene in the front room. Gun Shots, a victim, other clues. Plus we'll make our own fingerprint powder. I can't wait! I'll be taking pictures and maybe even do a SKYPE with some Out-Of-State homeschool friends!
I love our Quasi-Unschooling!
One of the boys friends is at our house for the Day Thursday. "P". He is a really good kid. The 4 of them together will most likely play lots of MTG and doing some Amtgard. His mom works in town (they live in Pismo) and will drop him off on her way to work- 7:15 AM. (yes, I wrote this Wed Night. I figure Wed night in Cali is Thursday in most of the US)
I had planed on driving to see the river/levee. I guess we could all do that still, with "P". I hope to get some good pictures.
We had a big rainbow out back Wed Evening. Brian was getting ready to hop in the van to take the boys to see TRON. The boys were in the van already, then I hear Brian yell for for me as he comes back to grab his trip to get pictures. Here are my pictures. (I need a photo stitching program)

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Following you back :) Hey come back over and link up with my blog hop. I'm cool if you don't have a post for Why You blog. :) Have a great day!
Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God
I have been a traditional homeschooler now turning Classical so I think we are your complete opposite. :)
New follower from the 2011 New Year blog hop. Hope you follow back.
I found you and your blog via 2011 blog hop and have become a follower. I would love for you to follow me also.
The rainbow is beautiful
I am visiting from the 2011 hop and enjoyed reading your post. I think it is amazing that so many families are home schooling and I commend all of you!
Dropping by flob hop and comment love! I wish I could homeschool, unfortunately, I work outside the home and can't at this point in time! I still feel I am my kids biggest educator, even though they attend public school!
Have a great day
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