Scary, huh? This is me an any given day. Comfy Clothes. Pony Tail. No Make Up. No earrings. I have gotten lazy. not that it was all that different before I was Very Lazy. I used to just be Moderately lazy, but still wore earrings most days and at least lip gloss. [I do not even think THE LAZY MOM would be proud of me.....]
I need one of those Talk Show Makeovers. Hair, nails, make-up, new-up to date-wardrobe.
Trouble is, I'd go home and without my crew of hair, wardrobe, make-up assistants, I'd be right back in my rut.
People tell me I don;t look old enough to have kids the ages of my boys. It's the pony tail and lack of make-up.... and the hair color that covers the greys.(seriously, if you saw all the grey hairs, You'd think I was 55) My birthday is this week. I'll be 39. Maybe in a few years I'll actually start dressing like a grown woman instead of a lazy 19 year old.
OOOH... and looky there... my grey hair is starting to show..NO, don't look!!
But, oh to have the dress size I did back then....LOL. Another Trip to the store is in order- but I do not have the time.
My new friend at Sassy Classy(click to read her blog) keeps blogging about shopping. Whilst I detest shopping, it has got me to thinking.... I probably should own a long black skirt. and maybe a nice blouse (all I seem to have are comfy knit tops or sleeveless tops).
The boys are in a Christmas Skit. A whole Showcase of many skits. Connor and Ki are in 4 different skits each. plus there are songs. Actually a skit got cut, and a song, and some lines from a longer skit. It is not what any of us thought it would be. I will be so happy when it is over. I am tired if driving to SLO and Back twice a week. And Daily this week. They have been practicing so many weeks I think they are ready to quit before the performance. But it will be good. It will be fun to watch. It will be memorable. Gavin is helping with tech work.
there will not be much school this week. 3 hours of rehearsal daily (and all that driving) is just too draining on all of us.

You SO do not look like a mom of three teenage boys!
Here's my quip: It takes as much time to pull a sassy/classy shirt over your head as it does a tee shirt, the same thing goes for the bottoms as well, unless a zipper is involved, then just as three more seconds ;)
Thanks for the shout out and button plug!
Thanks for the mention! Don't feel bad. Most days, I'm verrrry lazy about getting fixed up and have the same look most days. It's hard to get motivated.
Advance happy birthday!
You look just like a normal mom with kids. I look pretty much the same way on any given day! I think you look awesome! Stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop!
I too am a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl. I just don't see that changing when I am not at work.
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