Yesterday (Fri/Dec31)was to be a milestone day! Ki was to take his very first PANERA TEST!
Being the Quasi-Unschoolers that we are, we really don't do/take tests. But when the boys get about high school they have tests with their chosen Sciences. This is Ki's first Science with Testing. It is Chemistry. They all wanted Chemistry, though I think Ki is changing his mind as he is seeing MORE math and less "blowing things up with chemicals"
I had to change the Chemistry Lessons for Ki. The program we are using is Apologia and is a High School book. Ki is just not ready for the math. So I start the lesson with terms, experiments, videos, and notes with all 3 boys. Then Ki goes off to his desk in his room and has file folders with worksheets. He does what he wants from those while I teach Chemistry Math to his brothers.
Before this, when he sat with the whole time, he had meltdowns. Melting into a puddle of limp noodles and tears. But this new way works well. His brothers are actually bored with the 1st half of class (so far... because it is chapter 1- wait until we get a few chapters into it!)- so the math keeps them into it.Ki actually likes worksheets and does well with them. I don't use worksheets to teach, but they are good for review and Ki is the type of kid that needs plenty of review.
I wanted to just BE DONE with chapter 2 before we start J-Term. For some reason (holiday rush? Skit rehearsals? Brian's Surgery? my birthday?) we never got to the last section of Ch1 or the test. So we finished those this week.
SO, we gather calculators, notecards with formulas, pencils, papers, etc... Ki searches HIGH & LOW for his notebook all morning and finally finds it....
We get to Panera. The Bagels, cookies, hot drinks are all ordered. We sit down.I open my Orange Folder that contained the tests.They were not there. They must have slipped out at the house or something. All that work to get everything ready, everyone out the door, waited in line, had a cashier that had to go through the order 4 times and then still mess up my Peppermint Hot Cocoa (but I got it free)... ALL TO NOT HAVE THE TESTS!
He had his notebook though, so I took a picture of him and am pretending it is Ki taking his FIRST Panera Science Test!
On the drive home, Gavin (17) ask what kinds of questions are on the test. he asks because Chapter was was the BASICS which he already knew.I'm driving. driving takes up 98% of my brain function, so I rattle off something that I thought I remembered.
"Something about a farmer finding a chunk of gold. They tell you the mass and volume and ask you to find the density."Gavin:"Gold has a density of 19.3 grams/cm³."Connor: " .. and Uranium is 19.1!"
Me: (sighing in my head):" Well, they give the volume and you have to find the mass- or the other way."
Gavin: "O.K. - - - And diamonds have a density of 3.5" (I think that is what he said it was)
While taking the test, Ki calls me over. It goes something like this:
Ki: "mom, gold has a density of 19.3, right?"Me: "yes, why?" (the test gives the density of gold for this problem)Ki:"Well, it has 2 items that look like god and I need to find the density to determine which really is gold. I got 19.327. Would that be gold still or something else because it's not 19.3?"
Ki refuses to use cm³ or cc. He crosses them out on his tests and writes in "mL"
Well, all the tests are now done. I guess I should go grade them.
**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~I have never been interested in Reading Through the Bible in a Year. Not in the 30+ years of being a Christian. It just never struck me as something I should do. Brian got me a new Bible for my birthday. It is a chronological Bible. It actually goes pretty much 'in regular order' until Psalms. But then it's all over the place. Verses out of 3-5 different books per page sometimes.
I was getting ready to start reading it today (Sat Jan1) and I decided to try reading thought from start to end; and hopefully in a year. So, we'll see how that goes. According to my math, if I read 4 pages a day that'll leave a buffer for missed days.
click for My Reading Log
Gavin found a $20 while looking for the Wisemen in the laundry room. I knew I should have done laundry today. (The Wisemen brought Chocolate covered gingerbread men today!)
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Homeschool seems a little intimidating. You're quite the mom to juggle it all.
Ki sounds like my kind of boy. My son would fit in great with your older boys. Thank you for linking up to our new blog hop. I love the way you share so much with your boys. You are a good example for me. Have a blessed day.
I hate to admit it but I had no idea what the density of gold was or anything to do with Chemistry.I can only sit back and admire you. I tried to teach my son French and although he can actually speak it now it was the worst experience ever.You are a shining example of motherhood and obviously patience. Well done:)
By the way in case you think I'm just some odd ball...I hopped here from the Comment Love day blog hop.
Kind wishes
carol from
How frustrating to get there without the test...sounds like my life I over organize and this causes things to unravel..
I wish you a very blessed New Year!
Oh my! You are so BUSY! I love Panera, but am not wild about chemistry and those boys of yours? They know A LOT! Well done, Mama! Well done, indeed! :)
Hats of to you- I think homeschooling is such a wonderful gift to give your kids...I just don't know if I would ever be able to do it. Plus, hubby has been a teacher- so we tend to lean toward public ed. Anyway, I did consider pulling my kids out of school for dad's deployment...not sure though. Maybe too many changes is bad.
Anyway, I'm here from FTLOB. I have 4 little boys so I was intrigued by your blog. I like to compare notes and stories!! Have a great day!!
I am following back from Love Comments, I used to love chemistry but cant remember anything now. I once quilted the periodic table for class project. lol
I think it is unbelievably admirable that you homeschool your boys! Good for you! I know a girl in one of my college classes that was sprucing up on writing essays and such just so she could continue to homeschool her children. It takes great dedication!
Also, thanks for finding my blog!
AubrieAnne @
That sounds like an event out of our day! We sometimes go to Friendly's for ice cream and tests, Panera seems like a good fit for that too though!
Hope they did well on the tests!
G -
I applaud you for homeschooling as well and so well! Thanks for finding me on Sunday Blog Hop!
The conversation about chemistry went over my head. LOL
Best laid plans.....I think you're doing a great job, we just need clones to get it all done. Personally, I'm still looking for the one to do all the lesson plans, research, etc. I find that takes up more time than the actual homeschooling!
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