** more pictures on the LOUNGE PAGE **

And to see if they would hang the boys' Christmas Showcase Poster. Tomorrow I'll go to Cafe Noir and see if they will put up a flyer, too.
last week I took pictures of trees in the city to show that we DO get fall colors...almost....
Tomorrow starts our Chemistry Unit!! I think the first chapter will go quickly. it's a basic What is Matter how to measure units. most being known by my boys already.
Come back tomorrow evening for to read about what we do in school tomorrow. with pictures!
I added a page. The Lounge. It will have pictures of on-going/completed projects or books I am reading.... which might be the real reason for today's entry.. to try out my new page...
I love the coffee sleeves!! I need one of those for church coffee!!
I couldn't find a place to leave a comment on your meet and greet post, so I'll leave it here (cute knit coffee sleeves by the way!)...
Thanks for linking up and telling us all about yourself. I'll tell you one thing about me. It might surprise you because not many people know it.
Okay, here it is... I'm lazy.
Shocker, right?
But this other thing you might not know... The Lazy Dad's a Pastor... making ME a, *gulp* Pastor's wife.
There. I said it.
Thought it was VERY sweet that your one son wants to be a minister. God bless him!!
The Lazy Mom
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