Did you notice the change? It is a bit subtle. The green background changed to a gradient blue. Gavin (my son) did that for me. He did that so my blog would match the Blog Button he made for me! I wanted to have a neat button like so many other blogs I read, so I asked him to make one and he did. He 'drew' it (no clip-art). He also changed to color of the links (the base program had them orange and grey). he is working on designing graphics for my header today. Gotta love this 'quasi-unschool' concept.
I can not figure out how to make the little box with the HTML Code for you to copy. I tried 4 different codes. If anyone can help me, PLEASE let me know!! If you scroll down you will see my button on the side.. waiting for a HTML Code Box....
iGoogle has How To's featured each day. Both of Todays seem aimed right at Ki....
How To Control Your Temper When Sleep Deprived. - Ki needs LOTS of sleep or gets grumpy.moody.Lack of cone=concentration/cognitive skills.... Mon & Tues were fine examples of that. Next week they have Drama/Theater practice all 5 days of the week, ending with 2 performances. Ki will be too tired by Wednesday!
Protect-Your-Teeth-from-Acid-Wear - He had had issues with Acid Reflux since birth (we think), His teeth are so yellow and prone to getting cavities. Poor Kid. I feel badly for him.
SCHOOL: Not much to report from Yesterday. Well, maybe there is.
Eschatology Class went well. We will have that class today and tomorrow, too.
Computer Design- Gavin made my Blog Button and changed my page background.
Chemistry- Went well for C&G. K had a HUGE MELTDOWN TANTRUM. He ended up sitting at a desk doing a pile of worksheets. We rarely do worksheets, but I needed something that could just sit quietly and do easily. I'm making changes to that class today. Ki will only do the hands on and easy notes, then he will go off and do worksheets or reading while C&G learn the more complex stuff with me. But- it is great to homeschool and be able to change at a moments notice as soon as I see something is not working, instead of waiting 2 weeks for a teacher meeting, then 4 weeks for a new IEP, then 3 more weeks for the new IEP to be implemented. With Ki's Sensory Disorder, Dyslexia, Anxiety- this class is just not working for him as it currently is- esp with the long nights at Skit Practice.
Performing Arts- G&I helped K&C rehearse lines, then C&K went to their 3 hours of Skit Practice.

Thirsty Thursday (and I am thirsty right now, from that quesadilla)
1 comment:
I love it!!! Here is a post with all the info for your blog button. http://www.blogguidebook.com/2010/10/how-to-add-button-code-and-code-box-to.html
What a talented son.
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