hsba- HomeSchool Blogger Awards- My good friend, Stacie, does these HSBA themes. I thought I'd try one from time to time. Today's themes is ROUTINES. This is right up my alley, so I figured it'd be a good theme to start my HSBA journey.
Now the debate. Shall I post daily routines? Or weekly Routines? Maybe both. Daily routines are pretty easy to post.
Our Daily is pretty relaxed I guess.
It goes something like this:
- The boys wake up when they want- as long as they are up by about 8:45
- If they have their morning chores done by 8, they can have 'free time' on the computer until I call them to breakfast
- 9:00-9:30 is breakfast
- I read from Story of the World during Breakfast
- Sometimes after Breakfast/clean-up We have a GEO MIND BUILDER question. The one who gets it right, first, gets a quarter.
- Then when the whole breakfast routine is over, the boys start school and I do some housecleaning and help with school as needed
- Ki (almost 12) has a daily school list. A list of everything he needs to do that day. He does it in any order he wants to and often there are choices. He usually chooses what he wants to do for math, science, social studies. Sometimes he has other choices. So it is a daily list, which he likes and needs) but also the freedom to choose and steer his own ship, which he needs
- Connor(13) has a weekly list. The things he needs to have done by 3PM Friday. He can do them in any order or amount. So he can do all 3 Science Sessions in 1 day if he wants. BUT Reading and Math need to be done daily. I give him more choices than what he needs usually, so I will give him a choice of 4 science activities even though he only has to do 3. stuff like that.
- Gavin (15)has reading and math daily. Reading is to be at least 50 minutes. Math is any amount as long as he has 3.5 hours done by the end of the week. ( www.aleks.com is what C&G use for math). His science and social studies and some specific reading needs to be done by Jan 1. I decided to once a month do a notebook check, as he seems to be having some minor problems in that area and if he doesn;t get his stuff done by Jan 1, Brian will insist he goes to 'done at the end of the week'- or even Daily Lists. I don't think that's be good, so I'll do the occasional checks to make sure he is on the right path.
- NOON- sometime close to noon (11:30-12:30) we have lunch. If lunch is not had by 1, they have to wait till 3 for a healthy snack.
- 3PM- this is when their daily chores and school need to be done if they want 'After School Computer' of 45 minutes
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed reading about your routine. I wish I was more structured in things being done in certain amount of times. I have yet to be ablt to do that....lol.
Emily23 @ Ramblings of a Farm Girl
I love your daily and weekly lists! That's exactly what I need for my daughter, Sweetling (who is 10). She'll need a daily list...but I just love how you've structured them. Thanks so much for sharing :)
the only thing that is really done on time- is breakfast by 9:30 and lunch finished by 1- most days. and then school is to be done by 3- if they want computer time, but if it's done by 3, that's fine- just no computer time.
I have found 'end by' times work better than 'begin at' times
Thank you for coming by! Great to have you on the Homeschool Memoirs. I'm a new homeschooler. :D
Wow, I'm your "good" friend. Cool.
Levi usually wakes up early. But today I had to wake him up at 9, and then he lounged in bed for 15 minutes. I think he's fighting a cold.
Great schedule! You've moved into a great area in SoCal. I'm 30 mins east of Los Angeles, against the foothills. Born and raised here, but dying to move out soon. We lived in CO for 11 years and returned to help my father a few years back. Regulations are different here, but if you need any help - just let me know. I have a whole ministry out here for that kind of stuff. Crazy CA laws.
Nice to meet you, too.
I love the lists. We started those a few years ago, and my older kids absolutely thrive on seeing what needs to be done. My 15-year-old has a weekly list; my daughter prefers her by the day. My little guy isn't quite there yet!
I like how you have things set up... Though I don't want my kids to grow up fast, it will also be nice when they can be more independent in their studies, like yours are. (My oldest is 10, my youngest is 5... I have four).
I like the idea of having a weekly schedule for some of the kids. Mine are probably too young for that at this point (Friday would be too stressful!) but it is good to keep in mind
ummm.... mom i only have 3hours and 20 mins ok so thats really close to 3.5 ii try to do up to 1 hour of aleks a day so i get a day or 2 off! Also i do some of my GET DONE BY JAN 1 at the same time i read.
ummm.... mom i only have 3hours and 20 mins ok so thats really close to 3.5 ii try to do up to 1 hour of aleks a day so i get a day or 2 off! Also i do some of my GET DONE BY JAN 1 at the same time i read.
YOur schedule is so relaxed, I love it. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry my name confused you, it's Pink because it's the only bit of pink I get around here! (My daughter can't stand pink LOL)
You boys schedules are similar to those of my oldest. They knw what they have to do and can do it any pretty much any order they want.
Oh and my "G-7" is a Gavin too!
Your schedule sounds a lot like mine. :) I'm more about: Get these things done in a day (usually by a certain time), and I don't care when or in what order you do it.
I know it doesn't work for everyone, but it works for us.
Mary Beth
Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
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