For Today... SEPTEMBER 22, 2008
Outside my Window... The Scrub Jays seem to be announcing their presence to whole city. And I see purple flowers.
I am thinking... I am very glad my husband and youngest son made it back safely! I have really missed them!
From the learning rooms... No real plans today. Just Life Learning.
I am thankful for... running water and electricity. and my Son and Husband are home!
From the kitchen...The cat is crying
I am wearing... Blue PJ pants with light blue polka-dots. a light blue tank top and a black cardigan sweater.
I am reading... Same thing as last week. Three Cups of Tea. It takes place in Pakistan, which used to be India, so a lot of things that happened to the American are just like what we experienced in India (except we didn't get lost on a icy mountain top and almost die)
I am hoping... I get my Base ID this week.
I am creating... a work area for my sewing
I am hearing... Clicks, clacks, cats and cars.
Around the house... a cuddle day with my kids.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Unpacking Ki's bags with him. Birthday dinner and present for Ki, getting my Base ID, Homeschool PE, Elections Class, Farmers Market, school planning
No Picture today
Outside my Window... The Scrub Jays seem to be announcing their presence to whole city. And I see purple flowers.
I am thinking... I am very glad my husband and youngest son made it back safely! I have really missed them!
From the learning rooms... No real plans today. Just Life Learning.
I am thankful for... running water and electricity. and my Son and Husband are home!
From the kitchen...The cat is crying
I am wearing... Blue PJ pants with light blue polka-dots. a light blue tank top and a black cardigan sweater.
I am reading... Same thing as last week. Three Cups of Tea. It takes place in Pakistan, which used to be India, so a lot of things that happened to the American are just like what we experienced in India (except we didn't get lost on a icy mountain top and almost die)
I am hoping... I get my Base ID this week.
I am creating... a work area for my sewing
I am hearing... Clicks, clacks, cats and cars.
Around the house... a cuddle day with my kids.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Unpacking Ki's bags with him. Birthday dinner and present for Ki, getting my Base ID, Homeschool PE, Elections Class, Farmers Market, school planning
No Picture today
Heh Heh...those jays do holler up a storm, eh?! Mine are always waking me up on the weekends wanting their peanuts.
Glad your family is home safe and sound.
Happy birthday to your son.
I'm not sure what sign in is coming up. Is it something to do with Twitter?
That's weird. It probably has something to do with my Twitter thing on the side of my blog, but I'm not sure why it does it. :-/ Computers aren't my forte'.
Err. Forgot what else I was about to say --knew what was wrong with JM's blog--I deal with that one a lot.
Yes, please stop by the Christian Unschooling site--we just got it going but there are some great writers on board.
Fun blog you have here. I enjoyed reading about your Pumpkin crying it out too. One of our cats is a real talker too and knows our usual getting up time at 4:30 am, so he doesn't let us sleep in - ever.
About the hay, yes, our 200 bales will last us a year for 3 horses. That is with the horse on pasture all summer & fall (part spring) and feeding them hay & some grain in the winter & early spring. We just got rid of our 3 hay-wasting goats, so that should save some, but then our yearling is getting to be a big guy, so he will probably pick up the slack. Yes, hay must stay dry at all times - buy it dry, keep it dry. We have our hay on a small platform in the barn to keep it off the ground & cover some of it with a tarp in the barn so snow doesn't blow on to it. It will be good for about a year or so, but will eventually get too old & dry for anyone to like it. It can rot, get musty or moldy depending on age & weather and then the animals won't eat it. Are you going to get animals?
I'm so glad your family is home safe and sound!
Hey what do I keep doing wrong that you have to link me? (I'm a newbe you know)
Ki did not make a mess of that room, I did. He is a great guest. I had a great time with him.
I have another gift for Gavin, just need to pick it up.
Did Brian call Erik to see if they could visit?
I am so glad they arrived home safely. Did Betty and Sherwin's power come on yet?
I enjoyed reading your daybook. Thanks for your comment.
Grandma Starr(Judi)
Thanks for visiting my blog again. I hope you can make a nice sewing area for your creativity! I have one that I also use as a desk for school, and I am so ready to be able to sew there again! Working on my big thesis, and when it's done you will hear me shout all the way from Texas to California!
Glad to hear that your hubby and son made it home!
Wow, you have 11 comments. Mine will make 12! Pretty soon you'll be so popular you'll forget us little guys. LOL!
Glad Ki and Brian are home safely! Is it going to be hard for Ki to get back into his school work, after such a long break?
Hey, it's Carmen. I am going to add you to my blogroll. Thanks for the Facebook add.
My most recent blog (I have about 4 or 5) is http://daysofchaos.wordpress.com
Hey, it's Carmen. I am going to add you to my blogroll. Thanks for the Facebook add.
My most recent blog (I have about 4 or 5) is http://daysofchaos.wordpress.com
I hope you have a cuddle day with your kids. BTW good luck on creating your sewing space. You go girl!
Thanks for coming by. About the horse and the sheriff we showed him the grain, (which btw is a complete feed not requiring hay) the hay, and the overgrazed grass area. And assured him the horse is 27. He was convinced. People can just be stupid. Sorry. This annoys me. I noticed the neighbor has moved thier horse to the back pasture. The people that I think called on us have been stopping and feeding carrots next door. I am weird I don't like strangers messing with my animals. I guess the neighbor doesn't either. Their house so behind a gate way far off the street so I can't just knock on the door to ask what is up. Anyway thanks for coming by and I'll be keeping you posted on my blog about the fabric sale. Hopefully you can come by and find something. And I am offering some freebies too!
Have a great week.
Great daybook :) Hope you get your Base ID soon, those are a must :)
Have a great day.
I am in Southern Cal too, Riverside area. Glad you have your family all together again. I hate when we aren't all together.
We had a cat that came in through an upstairs window. Only one of the windows didn't open and no matter how much you called her she couldn't figure out how to get to the window you were at. She would cry and cry all night long...what a pain that was.
Happy Birthday from Ireland Ki!
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