I do not have that many online places I visit. My favorite things in life are life, not online websites. Not that her favorite things are online sites, but she sure has a LOT of online browsing weekly to visit all of those.
BLOGS- the blogs I visit are listed on my side bar. My 15 yr old son has a blog, so does my mom, and my top favorite homeschooling mom's blog. I'll mention those in particular. But I always read all the blogs listed on the sidebar! Go say hi and meet a new blogger friend!
BLOG MEME SITES- I frequent the Homeschoolblogawards site to get a new theme and read what other homeschool moms have done. And on Mondays I go to the Simple Woman's Daybook to read what other moms write and do my on Monday Blog with her Meme.
OTHER- I read my Gmail and I have a little group for housewives. we talk about balancing housecleaning and family and stuff like that. I use GOOGLE frequently to research. I guess that's about it for online blog/website type favorites. My kids have some school stuff online.
Another of my favorite things is just to blog about my day and share it with friends and family.
Yesterday was my youngest son's birthday. He is 12 now. He and my husband are in Ohio (we live in CA). So they got to celebrate Ki's birthday with grandparents. I'm so happy for Ki to be able to visit back in Ohio, but I really miss him. I miss Brian a lot, but I am used to being with Ki most the day, every day and I'm used to Brian being gone 10 hours a day often (with driving and a little extra work time) and being gone on occasional TDYs. So I don;t miss him as much during the day when I'm used to him being gone I guess. Whenever I talk to Gavin and Connor or take them somewhere or call them, I keep looking for Ki.
Yesterday I rode my bike to my doctors appointment. Gavin calculated my average velocity, my MPH, the distance, changed miles to kilometers and told me it'd take me an hour. I doubted that. Then I got out my GPS unit and it said the distance was only 5.2 miles. So I figured allowing 40 minutes would be plenty. I learned it is mostly UP HILL to the doctors and that Wendy (my GPS) must have calculated the distance as the crow flies. I also learned that Gavin's physics lesson are beneficial.
So- it was about 7 miles and it did take an hour to get there.
But coming back was down hill and took 43 minutes.
FAVORITE DAY- Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week right now. I ride my bike (about 1 mile) to the Farmers Market. Connor is going to come with me today. He has never come. G&K have. I'm not sure if Gavin is coming today or not. Wednesday are WAFFLES for Breakfast. Today Connor made them.
Wow...thanks for labeling me your "top favorite homeschooling mom!" I'm so honored. (You're mine too. You're my fave online buddy).
Oh, but did you know that the link to Gavin's and my blog doesn't work. I think you typed http/ instead of http:// before the blog addresses.
I feel the same way you do with Ki being gone when Levi is not with me. After having them by our sides ALL the time, it feels so empty when they are not. I can only imagine the lonliness I will battle when Levi goes to college... It must be an even deeper lonliness for a homeschooling mom.
Our piano lessons went very well. I am sorry that you had to sell your piano, maybe you could find another someday?
Enjoyed reading about your favorite places to visit. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog last week. I usually try to respond to comments on weekends, but we got blasted by Hurricane Ike this Sunday! Sorry for the delay.
I'm so glad your husband, son, and parents are O.K. The picture of their backyard looks a lot like ours did. The wind was unbelieveable!
I've enjoyed cruising around your blog.
I hope you had a good time at the market with Connor. Thanks for letting Kiel come and visit. He and I played Nintendo and then watched the rest of Airbud. Now we are off to bed.
Thank you for your prayers about the mediation. I don't let myself think much about it. God is awesome. Love Mom
I don't think I would be brave enough to ride my bike that far away from the house alone... But then we live in the country, and most people don't obey the leash law (I have an unreasonable fear of dogs)... It's almost 7 miles to town, and I would have to pass by the house with the loose rot that always chases the car... *lol*
Hope your hubby and Ki are able to come home soon!
I enjoyed reading your post. I also don't do alot of online stuff. I have been online more than usual lately trying to get my blog the way I want it. I still have some work to do on it. Some of the links don't work, people can leave comments, but I can't read them and I can't post new entry's.
Have a Great Day,
It's those uphill rides that can really tire you out. Good for you for doing it. The downhill always makes it worthwhile.
It's nice that your farmers market is so close!
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