Outside My Window... A male olive tree swaying in the breeze, the sky, the Phone Line and a Pine Tree. (2nd story- can't see much)
Outside My Window... A male olive tree swaying in the breeze, the sky, the Phone Line and a Pine Tree. (2nd story- can't see much)
I am thinking... About the Hurricane in ohio! (whre my parents. in laws live & Husband and youngest son are visiting. GAVIN WROTE A BLOG about all the damage and has pictures! Check it out!)
I am thankful for... Their safety and my parents have power, so Ki can stay there and they can help brian and his parents, too.
From the kitchen... only chaos and workcomes from my kitchen today
I am wearing... Jeans, a flowy, garnet colored top with braided straps, my pink slip on shoes that have palms trees and Hibiscus flowers on them.
I am creating... a cacti garden, a blog, a safe lerning environent for my kids. A haven for my husband.
I am going... To be praying for my parents, in laws, Ki and Brian and others in Ohio.
I am reading... "Three cups of Tea"- finally started it.
I am hoping... you read gavin's blog he wrote about he damage to his grandparents house.
I am hearing... hum of the computer. Click of the keyboard, cars, birds, boys talking.
Around the house... lots of stuff that I need to clean today.
One of my favorite things... My palm tree shoes
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: relaxed schooling, checking in with Brian to make sure they are OK, house cleaning. Homeschool PE on Tuesday. Farmers Market on Wed. Youth Group on Thursday.
Here are picture thoughts I am sharing...
Wow, I'm off to check Gavin's blog right after this. Is that Ki trying to stand against the wind?
We had lots of wind last night. Many people without power. It's still windy now. but I have a feeling Ohio got it worse.
Oh, and I signed Mr. Linky on the Simple Woman's Daybook right below yours!
Bummer about the spam. I keep waiting for them to find me too.
I'm glad all your family is OK. It took my dh forever to get home yesterday due to that mess.
I can't wait to see the cacti. I love them. We have quite a few ourselves. Which do you have?
how do you know if an olive tree is a boy or a girl?
Oh my! I didn't even realize that Ohio had such damage. I'm glad to hear that your family are all O.K.
Praise God for protection. Enjoyed reading your daybook. Off to read your dh blog next.
sorry, I got that wrong about Gavin....
Grandma Starr
Thanks for reading (and commenting!) on my Daybook. What a picture! I can't believe they had that much damage even after it passed my neck of the woods (St. Louis area). We were lucky this time and didn't have any damage, but a few doors down and several blocks around us are without power and have been since yesterday morning. Hope all of the cleanup goes as well as expected.
I am glad that everyone in Ohio is alright even if there was damage to things.
I like this new green and cool look to your blog!
They must have gotten a lot of wind... I'm so glad we don't get huuricanes here!
Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. I am so thankful that none of your family was hurt in the storm. It came through here on Saturday night/early Sunday morning but it wasn't as bad as expected.
Wow, so many people affected by this....
They are some photos!
Thanks for your visit. Always good to hear from you.
If you get the chance, come back and look at one of the comments left on the post about the hospital visit. You will find it interesting, and I hope encouraging!!! It was left by the Doctor we met that night.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad I wasn't the only person who thought a co-op would be more of a burden than a blessing! I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you, but I just got hit by that Ohio hurricane! I was one of 875,000 people without power in mine and the surrounding counties. Thankfully, our power came back last night, but they're saying it could be the end of this week before everyone in our area is turned back on!
I am glad to hear that no one was hurt in your family with the Ohio storms. We live in Texas and had some wind and rain, but south Texas was very hard hit. The beach where we like to visit is a mess now.
Thanks for visiting my blog again!
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