This week's topic at Homeschool Memoirs is "Something New": "This week I hope you’ll share something new you’re using, why you’ve decided to use it, and if you have used it how you like it. Make sure to include the publishing information and where you got it from so others can look into if they like."
We always do something new, but in that sense, it's not new to try something new, because it's the thing we always do- trying something new.
The biggest change this year is that my boys actually requested to try some curriculum. This is our 8th yr homeschooling as we have never really used a curriculum. We have take a part of 2 from a curriculum and made it work for us, but have never just used a curriculum. "Here's the workbook, read and do it daily like it says"
My youngest asked to use a 'curriculum' (something we buy that is all planned out with each page and we just do it like it's written and says). He said he wanted to actually work through the same thing until we get all the way through to the end. I guess he's not as "ADD" as my brain is- always hopping from 1 thing to another in search of that PERFECT lesson.
I decide the best (easiest & cheapest) way to try out a curriculum for a subject would be to just get some ACE workbooks for Social Studies. (I don't want to mess up math and science and Language Arts with a boring curriculum, LOL. I like to mix those up and do different things. I am not good at, nor do I like, patching my own Social Studies together). And a Bible Elective.
So I gave them a list of what was available and let them choose.
Ki choose Missions (a missionary study with is just reading biographies and a lot of boring questions that I decided we can just do orally) and a General Social Studies.
Connor chose Civics and Life of Christ. But I messed up my order and forgot the Life of Christ- Oh well.
Gavin choose Economics and Early Church History.
Also, new this year, is we decided to go with Apologia for the Science that Ki (zoology) and Gavin (physics) chose. Ki with a Textbook and Gavin wanted the CD-ROM course.
So we are going through those and doing them like the book/CD-ROM says. the notebooking, the tests, the questions, the experiments. i also bought the Experiment Kits for them, so they can look in their book, read what they need for the next experiment, go to their kit, and get out their supplies.
Last Spring we found http://www.aleks.com/ for math. Brian really likes it (I do too, but I am happy with our 'uinschooling math') and Brian actually said he wanted the boys to use it. So we use that for math. They can choose their levels and choose which areas they do and what to do first and they can keep track of the progress and play a few games. So it's nice.It's thorough and yet not strictly scheduled. (it's not a 'do this today and that tomorrow'). Ki just used the Multiplication Drill on it and he chooses other things to do for math. So he does the http://www.aleks.com/ quicktables (multiplication drill) M/W/F and I have him work on the regular Aleks stuff for his Monday math. He's perfectly fine doing it like that because he knows his dad likes him to use the ALEKS. And he gets a Chocolate Covered raisin each time he does a problem.
Our waffle iron makes round waffles. Today while I was making waffles, Connor called the next waffle. when it was done he told me to throw it to him. So I did. I flung it like a Frisbee. So the other 2 asked their waffles to be thrown, too.
Today was Waffle Throwing Wednesday.
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Hilarious!! I love the waffle throwing and it's hilarious, too, that your boys want want to work all the way through something!
WAFFLE THROWING WEDNESDAY! lol Hilarious - betcha it was fun too! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
"We always do something new, but in that sense, it's not new to try something new, because it's the thing we always do- trying something new."
It scares me that I understood this completely! I can't believe I'm beginning to speak Keeterish.
And can you toss a waffle from CA to NY? I love waffles!
Isn't it interesting how much you're stretched as a homeschooling mom? We each ahve our own peculiar comfort zones and along come children who want to try something outside of the zone -- sometimes way outside. What a blessing to be able to bend and accomodate (within reason ;-) each child as they need.
And I have to ask -- Did any of the waffles NOT get caught?
Thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments. I'm interested in "meeting" someone who is using the Aleks program. I've heard about it and have been wondering how well it works.
Waffle Throwing Wednesday *lol* ... My husband would like that! ;)
Don't know if I could handle all that change each year.
I like the waffle throwing. I don't think I'll share it with my kids, though my dogs might be happy if I did. :-D
Hi, thanks for stopping by. I really enjoyed reading how you all do school in your home, even though we are extreme opposites. :)
It is strange for me to think sometimes how different my kids are from me.
I would hate any kind of curriculum, while my daughter is requesting it. One of the things I loved about homeschooling was the ability to not have to use curriculum.
Oh well, whatever works! Even if that means throwing a waffle or two :-)
How fun about the waffle throwing!! Maybe a waffle trebuchet for next time? ;~) Thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for stopping by. I'll be checking out some of your reviews. I think my boys would LOVE the waffle throwing!! Great ideal!
Hi! Reading about how your unschooling has changed makes me so curious to see what changes with my own boys as they get older!
Right now we're having a lot of fun "playing school" Harry Potter-style. I definitely prefer having a chance to get creative about how we learn what we want to learn, as opposed to just taking it out of a box. Maybe it's my control issues. ;)
Welcome to California!!! We are sunny(and HOT)! Glad to get to know you!
Waffle throwing definitely sounds like fun!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. If I were teaching the Saxon we would never finish it either;-) My husband used it when he was in school and thought it would be a good fit. Since he was teaching, I was totally fine with whatever he picked.
The waffles crack me up! We went camping with friends and they have a pancake throwing breakfast tradition. They get up and make the pancakes then throw them out and everyone has to catch their breakfast mid-air. It was a blast and my kids still talk about it.
Hi again! I forgot to tell you I have my fig muffin recipe posted here:
Hope you get to use it! :)
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