
No more Lesson plans to write. No more tests to grade. No longer are my boys my homeschool students. I am changing out of my homeschool hat into my personal hobbies hat. Gardening, fitness, photography, part time employment.
I am suprised I can get anything done. ~ I grew tired of the belt I was making for my Renaissance Dress and decided to do something harder. Which will be an adventure seeing as I forget if I am knitting or purling in the middle of a stitch half the time… or if I’m at a right handed or left handed part- in the middle of knitting. I also lose count in the middle of counting- because I get distracted
Following a pattern will be very difficult for me. I get bored after 2-3 rows of what the pattern says and I switch it all around and make things up. (I have only tried to follow a pattern once, for a hat- simpled rolled brim thing, too).
My friend Cindy kinda challenged me to follow a pattern. Maybe doing it based on a 'dare' will be easier than just following a pattern for the sake of following a pattern.
I decided to do a DNA Double Helix Scarf. Wish me Luck. DNA SCARF PATTERN PICTURE
I’m going to go look for yarn and needles today and tomorrow my friend will teach me how to read a pattern
Shopping for the yarn was awful. I had trouble finding yarn that was all it needed to be: 1- the right weight/size/skinniness 2- not itchy 3- a color I like 4- the correct composition (not 100% wool and not 100% cotton)
I came home with 2 different ones, each almost right in different ways.
and yarn/needles to make yoga socks; which I may not wear, we'll see. But they don't have toes or heels. Ki might like them.
The needles I bought for socks are a size 3 and circular. Circular needles always look smaller to me because the stick part is so short.
I had Ki look up those 2 words in the title and write down the definition. He could talk around the words and get to a long-winded explanation, but I wanted him to have concise definitions for those words. I let him write down the shortest definitions, but we read and discussed the longer, more detailed, definitions.
We read about the story of Eros and Psyche. Part of the mythology study is to see how some words & nomenclature of today are based in Graeco-Roman Mythology. So we talked about the character Psyche and the term psyche, psychology, etc
Also, in this study I like to point out parallels. In the story of Eros and Psyche, Venus basically locks up Psyche giving her the impossible task of sorting grain overnight. An ant feels sorry for her and does it for her, similar to the story of Rumplestilskin. A “monarch/deity” (Venus and the king in the Rumplestilskin story) gives an impossible overnight task (sorting all the different types of grain from a large container/spinning straw into gold) and a being feels sorry for them and helps (the ant/ Rumplestilskin)
I try to break up Ki’s Mythology into the ‘seat work’ (reading/writing/notes) and an activity (Making a craft, lapbook, Legos, etc). Ki had finished his mythological gods VS The True God of the Bible booklets and a Creation Myth/Biblical Account Venn Circles, so today he attached them to his lapbook. His booklets are index cards folded in half (like a book). On the outside is picture of the symbol for which Graeco-Roman god is he doing. When opened, you see on the left hand the name of the G.R. god and a short description. On the right he writes God and puts Bible verses that tell how our God has all those attributes of all the GR gods combined, etc.
Like for Jupiter (Zeus). He has a picture of lighting bolt on the outside. On the inside left is says:
The god of all the gods.
On the right hand side it says:
Deuteronomy 10:17
For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God
He did this for 5 of the Graeco-Roman gods and might add a few more later.
His VENN CIRCLES are 3 circles cut of cardstock: One for the Biblical Account of Creation, one for the Roman myth about creation, and one for similarities in the 2.
The Bible on is on Yellow cardstock, the Myth on Red and the Similarities on orange. (he has a smaller white circle on the colored ones to write on.)
He has a 4th circle that is the cover circle. He put holes in each and put them on a loop. He made a pocked for his lapbook to hold his Venn Circles.
Also today for Graeco-Roman Mythology, Ki made rosewater for one of the recipes he is making for us tomorrow. He founds some ancient Roman recipes online to use.
I have taken up enough of your time, so I won’t go into details about Astronomy, Sketchers 101, or other activities of the day. Thanks you for sticking with me till the end of this litany.
The Dining Table here is strangely quiet. Quiet, in and of itself, is very rare and strange in a house of 3 boys and a crazy mom. The silence is quickly broken as on of my male offspring asks if he can include that he smelled farts in his paper. I told him to use the word “flatulence” as this is Creative Writing class. This question is quickly followed by another from the same male child, this time asking for a fancy word for “hugging”. His will be an interesting paper of flatulence and embracing.
The activity on C.W. class today is to make 3 lists of descriptive words to go with a scene from Darkshore. The Scene Choices were; “In a Battle”, “At a Courtly Feast”, or “Camping in tents”. The 3 lists were; sights, smells, and sounds. We talked about taking Creative Liberties in writing. I told then I wants to do so. This would be things like listing pine trees under smell even though they may not have smelled them. There were pine trees there and they have smelled Pine Trees in the past so they can say they smelled the pine trees on the Battlefield. Their creative Liberties are to be reasonable, not crazily far-fetched. Ki had a tendency towards the Crazily Far-Fetched side of things. They added their Point Of View to the top of their page then were told to use their lists to write a descriptive sotry from their chosen point of view about their chosen scene.
Guess that scenes they chose.
Yep. In the Battle. All 3 of them.
That was the second class of the day. The first class time of the day was after lunch. Homeschooling is awesome. We can just do school a little later in the day when I have errands in the morning. I biked to the Beauty Supply Store because my Hairdresser, Margie of the Magical blades and Royal Shears, told me that my hair was kinda awful and I needed to buy lots of expensive goopy stuff to fix it, along with a ceramic flat iron. She said the flat iron I use to iron Brian’s shirts doesn’t count. So I have gome from spending about 5 minutes on my hair to brush it & pull it back in a pony tail to having to use Deep Conditioner Treatments , combing it out nice and smoothly, and using the flat iron. I now have less time and less money than I did before. BUT I have a Popular Girl Haircut. My hair is still going through shock and adjustments. It has not looked popular for many years, maybe 30. This may take some getting used to. After looking through a bazillion shampoo choices & half a billion flat iron choices I had to call Magical Bladed Margie to calm me down and help me focus. Then I went to the THRIFT STORE!! YAY! I bought a leopard print stretchy knit dress and 2 belts for my Amtgard garb.
MYYTHOLOGY class – Ki wrote, colored, drew, and looked up Bible verses. Later he’ll read through is recipes and make rose water.
Sketchers 101 was Continuous Contour Drawing. Drawing simple objects and shapes without lifting up the pencils. Ki did not enjoy this so much. He likes drawing, but HIS way. Same with his lapbook. Part of his assignment is to use colors and pictures/drawings/designs. he like just pencil and no details or drawings so he is having to do things he doesn't really enjoy. When he talks and makes up games he is very very imaginative and creative, but when it comes to drawing and writing he has a lot of trouble going beyond the bare minimal basics. Times like MayTerm, when he chooses fun classes he likes is a good time to get him to practice the stuff he doesn't like, like writing and drawing more details and more creatively.
May Term Day 5.
We did “afternoon school” today because I needed a few hours to get mentally prepared and I wanted to get my picture sorting finished. While I was doing that the boys were outside ‘amtgarding’ and making new boffer weapons. Connor made a flail and is working on sewing the fabric covers for it.
After lunch we did school. G&C worked on their Astronomy Independent Study while I did Mythology with Ki.
Mythology Class was fun and full of variety, like always. We started by researching Ancient Roman and Ancient Greek Recipes. We read about methods and ingredients, Ki took some notes, then he read through the different recipes and found a few he wanted to make.
After that we read about the Capitoline Triad (The 3 main gods of Ancient Rome) and had some discussion. (how it compares/contrasts to what we know from the Bible, different ways we see the influence of the Capitoline Triad today ( like June being a popular month for weddings, the Owl being a symbol of wisdom, etc)). After that we learned some word roots that we can find in Graeco-Roman Mythology.
PANTHEON- the temple of ‘all gods’. PAN meaning all and THEO meaning god.
From that we understand some words we use today: pandemic, panorama, theology, atheist.
PANOPTES- a graeco-rooman god with 100 eyes. PANOPTES means “all seeing”. /OP/ or /OPT/ has to do with seeing, sight, eyes.
Where we see this in words today: Optics, “panoptes’ is a term/type of Video Sensor.
CYCLOPS- a mythological creature with one big, round eye. Cyclops means “round eye”. Cycl meaning ROUND or WHEEL and where we get Bicycle, and cycle as iin Life cycle, rinse cycle, to cycle through ….
We also talked about Jupiter being called Jupiter Optimus Maximus. I asked Ki were he had heard OPTIMUS before. Optimus Prime- Transformers. Optimus means THE BEST.
SKETCHERS 101- We learned Ebossing & Texture Rubbing. Then we did a little exercise in CUBISM. After that they spend their time sketching and drawing on their own, incorporating some of today’s techniques.
OTHER STUFF: Most of my plants look happy. My carrots in the potato bin are looking nice and I have lots of tomato blossoms turning into fruit.
After our long weekend, we were all tired. K&C woke later than usual. Our school day started at 9:45 instead of 9. We just skipped Story of the World today; which is fine. Today was the first day of a very new session, so today was mainly about talking about the new things we are doing, passing out notebooks and schedules, going over goals and lessons for the month, and getting a start into their new areas of study.
Ki liked the little Schedule are in the front cover of his notebook. He enjoyed using the daily schedule I gave the boys to fill in his Chart in his notebook cover.
He also liked the Cross Word Puzzle. I should him how to find the down and the Across and how to count the spaces and uses letters from already filled in answers to make sure he the correct word. I had him read through all of the Puzzle Clues, so when we are doing our reading and studying throughout the month he’ll remember unsolved clues in the cross word and go fill them in. He actually recalled 3 while we were reading his book and was happy to remember and fill in his cross word puzzle
[LINK FOR THE CROSS WORD PUZZLE] -also click to see the CLUES and print them.
Gavin and Connor did well with their studies. Gavin was excited to show me his notes and progress and tell me what he’s learned and what he plans on studying and including in his reports.
We finished with Morning Session at 11:13 and I sent them out to play a few minutes before the next class (Creative Writing). They do so much better with school when they take breaks to be really active between classes. They did some boffer sword practice for about 15 minutes as their break.
For Creative Writing I had them do a page from the book I have. I made 2 copies of all the pages, so 2 boys can use worksheets and 1 can fill in the pages of the workbook. They’ll take turns with the book if they want. Being that today’s class is short class we just talked a little about good description, using better adjectives, writing things enjoyable to read that make the reader better able to imagine. Then they did the worksheet pages. Ki had a lot of trouble with it. He talked and talked and goofed and gabbed, because he couldn’t think of anything to write. I had to remind him that this was a time for les talk and more writing. But I hate how ‘Public School’ that sounds. They got to get lunch when they finished.
He actually did better after his brothers finished and left the table. He had no one to talk to or at so there was nothing to do but write, so he could go eat lunch.
(Ki had a teensy little sensory meltdown (more like a teensy stubborn fit), but he was able to get over it on his own and it was almost a non-issue. It's a good thing we did the "Physical Therapy Time" before this class!)
LUNCH HOUR- I finished my Bible Study Homework. And ate. Because I was hungry.
SKETCHERS was Post-Lunch.
I must say that I am pleased with how Sketchers Class went. KKi can have a very hard time with feeling like he doesn’t have enough choice and is being told how to do everything. He took an art class once and she tried to get him to use the different art/sketching pencils- NOT just the school pencil. He wouldn’t have any of it. He didn’t want to be told which pencil to use when he ‘knew’ he liked the mechanical pencil best and ‘knew’ it did the best job. And He’s not good with “draw a turtle”- he’ll want to draw what he feels like drawing.. Which is what art is; drawing what you feel and ‘see’, but that I not what art CLASS is all the time.
BUT he did very well and didn’t complain at all about being told the exact things to do.
TUESDAY: May 4th
Ki- go to & watch the Power Point Story Greek & Roman Mythology (Powerpoint)
READ: http://www.desy.de/gna/interpedia/greek_myth/creation.html
READ the Creation Account in 1st Genesis.
List similarities. List Differences. (on notebook paper with legible writing. Turn paper in to your Turn In folder)
LAPBOOK WORK: look at this page: http://greece.mrdonn.org/greekgods/index.html
Make a section in your lapbook that lists the Roams gods with their Greek god names.
You might like looking at this page about the family tree: http://www.desy.de/gna/interpedia/greek_myth/godsFT.html
READ: 40 minutes in your reading book.
8-9: Breakfast, SOTW, Bible Reading
9-10:30 [K] Mythology- taught by me
[G&C] Astronomy – Independent
10:45-11:45 [MWF] Creative Writing
[T,Th] Reading(k),Science(c), Sewing (gavin)
1-2:30 [K,C,G] Sketchers 101
TUESDAY’s Schedule is: Mom’s at Bible Study for morning classes. GAVIN will do Math on Tuesdays and will do his Sewing after Art Class.
******* ******* ******* *******
Week 1:
Monday as planned
Wed- Lunch with Brian/Petra’s Art Class.
Thursday-Morning Classes Only- Leave for Darkshore. Bring Sketch Pads to practice while there.
Week 2 & 3:
Entire Week as Scheduled
TUESDAY are mom’s Bible Study-
WEEK 4- TBA (to be announced)
here is the Syllabus I wrote out for Ki. It's is a basic skeleton of ideas we want for those days. It won't always go exactly like planned here, but this will keep us moving in the right direction.
DAY 1:
· Talk about LapBook.
· Talk about the book you have been reading.
· Check out some links online. Choose a story for mom to read to you.
· Start Word List.
· Look Through recipes:
o http://greekfood.about.com/od/tipsnutritionmenus/tp/recipesforkids.htm
o http://www.squidoo.com/ancient-food-rome watch video Pompei cooking.
o Take notes on foods and ingredients of the time.
o choose a few things to make later this week.
· Do a couple worksheets
DAY 2 Independent Work- (to be provided Tuesday Morning)
DAY 3-4 Reading with Mom. ONLINE RESEARCH. LapBook/WorkSheets. ACTIVITY is LEGOS this week
DAY 6 the start of WEEK 2 We’ll be adding Bible Verses and Bible Research into our Studies this week. Plan a Meal for Wed.
DAY 7- Tuesday Work- (to be provided Tuesday Morning)
DAY 8-10 WED- Cooking a Roman Meal- Reading with Mom. ONLINE RESEARCH. LapBook/WorkSheets/Bible Research
DAY 11 Week 3 starts! We’ll be adding Astronomy and Creatures to our Studies!
DAY 12 Independent Work- (to be provided Tuesday Morning)
DAY 13-15 - Reading with Mom. ONLINE RESEARCH. LapBook/WorkSheets/Bible Research. ACTIVITIES this week- Creatures Creations and maybe working on a POWER POINT.
WEEK 4 is yet to be determined- we MIGHT go camping.