For Today... OCTOBER 20, 2008 (click the above picture to read more Simple Woman Daybook entries by other women)
Outside my Window... I am downstairs this morning so I can see the backyard out my nice, big back window. The cat is in the windowsill (on the outside). I see my newly planted succulents and the Jade Trees still in their pots. I see the box for the new Fire Pit Brian bought for out back porch and the WetVac that was being used to clean the indoor grill. The sky is kind of a dull greythis morning. I see a bird that looks half asleep on the small fence.
I am thinking... It's great having older (teenage) kids! and thinking that Ki sounds sleepy still.
From the learning rooms... a nice little list of things this week.
I am thankful for... the ability to help others with our home. (we are having a 'dinner party' on Wed and then next week a 14 yr girl will stay here for a week while her parents are out of state)
From the kitchen... the counter is clean. Brian cleaned out the indoor grill in the kitchen so we can try to fire it up this week.
I am wearing... cute blue plaid Jammie Pants, a blue tank top and a yellow long sleeve thermal knit top.
I am reading... Peril by Choice to Ki and the Bible.
I am hoping... to get everything done today that needs to be and my friend's daughter does well getting her tonsils out today.
I am creating.. a little more structure than we had last week.
I am hearing... washer, keyboard, Ki doing morning chores,the fridge, my tummy just growled, and the occasional vehicle on the road.
Around the house... it is a little chilly right now. The kids are awake. I bought some bowls at a garage sale that look nice on the counter. We needed a few new bowls and since they look nice on the counter I don;t have to figure out where in the cupboard to keep them. Brian cleaned the stuff out of the front room over the weekend. And he have a few pumpkins on the low shelf thing that runs along the fireplace wall. And a new TV. We were without a TV since early June (4.5 months). We just do DVDs as we don;t have cable or even 'rabbit ears'
One of my favorite things... Bedtime Hugs from my kids.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... continuing the: Getting up around 7:15 daily, earlier breakfasts, moving Gavin's laptop out of his bedroom, Individual classes for each boy, ASL, PE and elections class, and Gymnastics. This weeks PE class is a bike ride. I will be biking to the Farmers market on Wed. Also on Wed we are making a big Taco Buffet at the house for 13 people.
Outside my Window... I am downstairs this morning so I can see the backyard out my nice, big back window. The cat is in the windowsill (on the outside). I see my newly planted succulents and the Jade Trees still in their pots. I see the box for the new Fire Pit Brian bought for out back porch and the WetVac that was being used to clean the indoor grill. The sky is kind of a dull greythis morning. I see a bird that looks half asleep on the small fence.
I am thinking... It's great having older (teenage) kids! and thinking that Ki sounds sleepy still.
From the learning rooms... a nice little list of things this week.
I am thankful for... the ability to help others with our home. (we are having a 'dinner party' on Wed and then next week a 14 yr girl will stay here for a week while her parents are out of state)
From the kitchen... the counter is clean. Brian cleaned out the indoor grill in the kitchen so we can try to fire it up this week.
I am wearing... cute blue plaid Jammie Pants, a blue tank top and a yellow long sleeve thermal knit top.
I am reading... Peril by Choice to Ki and the Bible.
I am hoping... to get everything done today that needs to be and my friend's daughter does well getting her tonsils out today.
I am creating.. a little more structure than we had last week.
I am hearing... washer, keyboard, Ki doing morning chores,the fridge, my tummy just growled, and the occasional vehicle on the road.
Around the house... it is a little chilly right now. The kids are awake. I bought some bowls at a garage sale that look nice on the counter. We needed a few new bowls and since they look nice on the counter I don;t have to figure out where in the cupboard to keep them. Brian cleaned the stuff out of the front room over the weekend. And he have a few pumpkins on the low shelf thing that runs along the fireplace wall. And a new TV. We were without a TV since early June (4.5 months). We just do DVDs as we don;t have cable or even 'rabbit ears'
One of my favorite things... Bedtime Hugs from my kids.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... continuing the: Getting up around 7:15 daily, earlier breakfasts, moving Gavin's laptop out of his bedroom, Individual classes for each boy, ASL, PE and elections class, and Gymnastics. This weeks PE class is a bike ride. I will be biking to the Farmers market on Wed. Also on Wed we are making a big Taco Buffet at the house for 13 people.
Lots of detail! I like it! And you sound a little bit emotional too. Not sappy or sad, but just softer. Must be your tired. ;-)
I hope you continue to find your balance between busyness and peacefulness.
I had to go back and read it. I forgot a lot of it already, LOL. I'm so pathetic. (apathy is an emotion, too).
I am still trying to find time when I can schedule THINKING into my day. I'm running on CoolWhip this week.
You sound like you've been planning things through. It is a good feeling to have plans and to watch them take form.
I hope you have a good time Wednesday. It's a lot for me sometimes to make a report but I'll get to it. Monday's are the roughest after the weekend and starting back to work.
It's great to keep in touch.
I enjoyed reading your daybook entry. I do want to ask though (if that's ok), what is the picture of? I am thinking it's possibly a piece of architecture? Just curious.
Sounds like you have a busy week in store! What a nice peaceful moment when you made your entry, however!
I left you an award at my place!
Birdtracks in the sand?
How did I miss the pictures of the Hay maze? Did you post them and then take them down?
A taco buffet... Now doesn't that sound good! Mmmmmm....
Love the picture... I'm assuming it's bird tracks, in the middle of tire tracks??? It's cool!
Smeeprid the apathetic Cool Whip head. I have so many nicknames for you, I can't remember them all. Someday when we're bored we'll have to brainstorm, think back and write them down. Hey, that will be thinking. But not really useful or deep thinking. More fluffy Cool Whip.
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