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Last week went decently enough. but our mornings are too early for Ki.
not much to write aout last week, sI wrote the plans for next week-It's a good thing I did their school lists yesterday. I almost always do them on Saturday. I woke with an awful migraine today. Maybe my 'honeymoon period' of the move is coming to an end. I'm back up to 2 a month. still better than the 4-5 a month I am used to having. I can think enough to type and copy mu school lists, but not enough to plan them.
I am listing Ki's and Connor's school work for next week. I will adding notes to their work IN RED to explain more about them. These IN RED notes are not in their notebooks just here on the blog.
*Ki likes daily lists that ell him what he needs to do, offers some choice (sometimes in what he does that day. sometimes it's what he chose for that week or month), and he can do them in any order he wants (except for Scheduled classes with me- which he looks forward to daily and his Morning Chores)
□ Morning Chores * he has constant morning chores (like make bed) and monthly chores, like this month he is dishwasher. if I h ave specifics I write a post it and put it on the window)
□ Read your Red Bible (10 minutes or 1 story) * He had a red picture Bible. It reads like a comic book. Some stories are shorter than others. He chooses what he reads and if he wants 1 story or just until 10 minutes have passed.
□ Aleks QT or LP 15 mins H2O & B.G.
● 10 minute break
● B.G., C.C.R., 20 Mins Pie Chart * he likes when I use acronyms for him to figure out what I am telling him. QT is Quick Tables, LP=LeapPad, H2O=water, BG=Brain Gym, CCR=Chocolate Covered Raisins.
□ Read Going Places “Tony’s Hard Work Day” pg 48-58 * this is a book I used with Connor to help reading comprehension. I assign a story, write my own questions (tailored to the boys and what I know they like. Connor had a lot of counting like 'how many times was the word "house" used. Ki prefers people facts, so I ask all about the dynamics between the characters and their names and stuff) I sometimes assign memory verses that go with the story some how.
□ 10:00 AM Science with Mom * Ki LOVES his Zoology book he chose for this year (apologia. he choose zoology-sea animals, I choose Apologia).He loves the time I schedule to read to him and just focus on him. we add Internet activities, NetFlix Instant views, and more- and he likes the experiments we do together.
□ 2:00 God’s World News with mom and brothers * God's World News is a magazine I ordered. I wanted to get it before, but it's kinda pricey for a magazine and last year we had this impending move, so I waited till we got here. I only read a short story out of it, the boys enjoy our discussions that go with the short stories. last week we read an a voting ballot that was addressed to a CAT in a campaign mt register more new voters and a sandwich bag that had green 'mold' looking spots, so your sandwich looks yucky and no one will steal it from your locker or the work fridge (and some other things about the economy)
TUESDAY OCT 28 * Tuesday is a little less work as we have 2 homeschool classes on base.
□ Morning Chores
□ Read your Red Bible (10 minutes or 1 story)
□ 25 mins MATH our choice * He loves this choice and freedom. Brian insists in Aleks, so I make sure he does it once a week, but he hates it and doesn't do well. The Quick Tables are very good for him and he does those 3 times a week (with an option to do the Math Drills in the Leap Pad). We have about 4 or 5 math things from which he can choose. He likes Miquon and Froggy Decimals best.
□ Going Places NOTEBOOK page 1 & 2 . *I write his questions in a different color ink each week and write the page number (starting at 1 again each week) in the corner in a circle. on his notebook I also circle the numbers so it looks like it does in his notebook. I uses a composition notebook- bound- as pages accidentally get ripped out of Spiral bound and lost in folders. The one I use has those faint dashes for lower case letters. It helps with his dyslexia and SID to have that.
□ 1 Page Social Studies w/ mom *Ki asked for a curriculum this year! and he likes workbooks, so we went with ACE workbooks. 1 or 2 pages doesn't sound like much, but it has Bible passages to read and Ki always has lots of great discussions
□ 25 minutes read the Magic Treehouse book you picked last week. *sometimes he can read whatever he wants to. This week I got out all of our Magic Treehouse books (we only have about 10) and let him choose from those. He chose the Saber tooth Cat one.
□ shower
Wed Oct 29 * I actually do each day in a different color to help him as he gets confused what day he is on, but with the different colors, at least he can say "Oh, I did green yesterday- this must be yesterday's work" and change the page. I have a clippy that I clip the past weeks together, but he refused to clip back each finished day during the week.
□ Morning Chores
□ Read your Red Bible (10 minutes or 1 story)
□ MATH ~ Brain Gym, H2O
● 15 mins QT or LP
● 7 minute break
● 20 minutes Math Your Choice
□ Going Places read pages 49-54
● Do notebook page 4. Tell mom which you chose. It is due Friday * read the bottom of Ki's list for descriptions of this weeks activities and assignments in his note book. I have him read the simple short story twice. It helps with comprehension.
□ 10:00 AM science with mom
□ 11:00 AM Social Studies with mom 2 pages
□ 2 :00 PM God’s World News
Thursday Oct 30
□ Morning Chores
□ Read your Red Bible (10 minutes or 1 story)
□ 30 minutes Math You Choose
- can be split into 15 minutes and 15 minutes * for example he may choose to do 15 minutes in Miquon and 15 minutes in his Metric Units book.
□ Going Places read pgs 55-57. Do notebook pg 3 * read below
□ 10:00 AM Science with mom
□ 1 page Social Studies with mom
□ 2:00 PM God’s World News
□ Shower
Friday 10-31-2008
□ Morning Chores
□ Read your Red Bible (10 minutes or 1 story)
□ Math * B.G., H2O
● QT or LP 15 minutes
● 7 minute break
● BG, H20, 15 minutes your choice
□ Going Places read pages 58-59
□ Cat Litter
** Ki's going places notebook. I have page that says Choose 1 of the following activities to have done by Friday:
1. Do a puppet Schow that tells the story
2.Dress as one of the characters and tell the story from their point of view (use a voice you'd think they might sound like) and record it on Gavin's Webcam
3. Build a detailed Lego House and give a brief description of the story to your family.
**I also have a page that says to list 4 diffrent chores around the house he does and choose 1 to write a detailed paragraph about what exactly he does.
CONNOR’S SCHOOL WORK FOR THE WEEK. * Connor asked to have all his work for the week at once so he can do it when he wants to and maybe work ahead to be done by Wednesday. Usually he puts it all off till Thursday morning and is very, very busy all day Thursday and Friday
Oct 27-31
● ALEKS 3.5 hours (average 42 minutes per day)
● Read Chapters 1-5 in Journey to the Center of the Earth
● Geology – Read 4 current events and write about them * I email online links to him each week. he does online lessons and his Geology Current events are online. He always likes those. We also have links to a lot of different pictures and sometimes his assignment is drawing and labeling different rocks. Next week I plan to take him to the rocky beach to collect samples.
● Research your Political Party for elections class- Due Thursday Night. *In the Homeschool Co Op Elections class, their teacher has them divided into teams to research the top 6 parties (I think it's about 6). Connor pleaded to research the Green Party- because it's his favorite color.
DAILY * Connor always has a few things to do daily. This keeps is frame of mind focused on the fact he has school to do.
● Flea Comb Soksey
● Morning Chores
● Read Bible 15 minutes
● Cat Litter on Wed
● Shower M-W-F
● God’s World News Class with mom/brothers * a couple times a week I add Geo mind Builders to this scheduled class.
GAVIN- has a list of what is due on January 1st and I just remind him after breakfast to work on his stuff. I often don't know what he's doing. He just does what he wants on what's due and does the amount he thinks is needed.
He has a few daily things.
Morning chores
monday cat littler
read his Bible
It looks like it took you longer to work out this timetable, and to post it than it would for your boys to do the work!!!
Well done Kaber.
LOL. the work I did and got written in their notebooks in a short amount of time. but adding the RED notes here took a little bit of time
Sounds like a great plan. I really love your lists and plans. I think that is one of the things that drew me to you on Cafemom. How seriously you took homeschooling, how dedicated you were, and how you always tried to make it fun and interesting! Kudos.
Hi friend,
Welcome to Homeschool Weekly. Great first entry. You seem like a very well organized unschooler. I love the Apologia science books too. Glad that it's working out for you all!
appare3ntly that writing assignment wasn't fun.....
Wow! That is excellent planning ahead :)
I'm sorry to hear of your migraine and hope that it subsides. I suffer from them myself and know how miserable they can affect everything.
Thanks for sharing your lists.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope your headaches go away altogether.
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