For Today... OCTOBER 6, 2008 (click the above picture to read more Simple Woman Daybook entries by other women)
Outside my Window... a bit chillier in the mornings, but still about 75-80 as the high usually. My shades are down, so I can't see out the window right now. Just some branches through the half open slits of the window behind me.
I am thinking... of looking up a Geocache for our trip to the beach today.
From the learning rooms... a slow, easy week. Reading, Math and catching up on some science.
I am thankful for... a lot. I'm having trouble narrowing it this morning. How about: "The luxury of a computer and the internet"- or 'God's blessing of things I enjoy, but don't need.'
From the kitchen... Brian is home from work and making Cinnamon Rolls for Breakfast. I plan to have earlier breakfast with the kids this week. And hopefully keep the kitchen clean this week..
I am wearing... My Upside Down People dress and a green shirt/jacket I picked up at Goodwill the other day.
I am reading... The Bible and stuff for school.
I am hoping... to enjoy the day with my husband as he is off work today.
I am creating.. a blog entry.
I am hearing... room heater, cars, drawers, keyboard clacking, occassonal bird.
Around the house... it's a little cleaner
One of my favorite things... not having to go anywhere for a whole week- but that's not happening anytime soon
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Getting up around 7:15 daily, earlier breakfasts, moving Gavin's laptop out of his bedroom, Beach Today, ASL and PE tomorrow, Pumpkin Farm & Gymnastics Wed, Nothing Thursday (except evening church), Elections Class and Coffee Break on Friday.
A PICTURE: Brian is taking digital pictures of old photographs. Here is Connor, Gavin, Ki- from about 12 yrs ago.
Outside my Window... a bit chillier in the mornings, but still about 75-80 as the high usually. My shades are down, so I can't see out the window right now. Just some branches through the half open slits of the window behind me.
I am thinking... of looking up a Geocache for our trip to the beach today.
From the learning rooms... a slow, easy week. Reading, Math and catching up on some science.
I am thankful for... a lot. I'm having trouble narrowing it this morning. How about: "The luxury of a computer and the internet"- or 'God's blessing of things I enjoy, but don't need.'
From the kitchen... Brian is home from work and making Cinnamon Rolls for Breakfast. I plan to have earlier breakfast with the kids this week. And hopefully keep the kitchen clean this week..
I am wearing... My Upside Down People dress and a green shirt/jacket I picked up at Goodwill the other day.
I am reading... The Bible and stuff for school.
I am hoping... to enjoy the day with my husband as he is off work today.
I am creating.. a blog entry.
I am hearing... room heater, cars, drawers, keyboard clacking, occassonal bird.
Around the house... it's a little cleaner
One of my favorite things... not having to go anywhere for a whole week- but that's not happening anytime soon
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Getting up around 7:15 daily, earlier breakfasts, moving Gavin's laptop out of his bedroom, Beach Today, ASL and PE tomorrow, Pumpkin Farm & Gymnastics Wed, Nothing Thursday (except evening church), Elections Class and Coffee Break on Friday.
A PICTURE: Brian is taking digital pictures of old photographs. Here is Connor, Gavin, Ki- from about 12 yrs ago.
How cute. I love looking at old pictures of my children.
RE: you comment...I hated the desert when I first saw it. I hated everything about anything that wasn't my home. It took me about 15 years to see any beauty in it. It took me about 20 years to finally find myself content with it. I joke that God will now send us to the middle of nowhere in Alaska just because I've learned to enjoy this place. :-D
Well, off to my busy day. I don't have any of those "go nowhere" days any time soon either. I think Thanksgiving is my next one.
What cute little boys! They grow so fast, don't they?
I hope you have fun at the beach!
Speaking of geocaching, the other day I was telling Joe and the kids about it, and now Jared is DESPERATE to get a GPS so that we can do it too. *lol*
I really want to try geocaching! I haven't found very many local resources, but I think we will try.
I also noticed that you are using ALEKS math. We just started this year with our 10 year old and it's working miracles!
What a great picture! So cute. Hope you had fun on your geocache today!
I enjoyed your daybook. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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