Ki made Breakfast today. He had a Pancake Buffet. I love pancake buffet! I skip my 'protein/fruit smoothie' for Pancake Buffet!. He makes the batter and has bowls of chocolate chips, blueberries, pecans, cinn. coated diced apples, etc...- we order what we want and he makes them!
I know you are all jealous now.BTW- I always order the Apple Pecan pancakes! they are SO GOOD! Not too sweet, and have fruit & protein!
Having a child who wants to be a chef when he grows up is very beneficial!
30IN30 update:I've been wearing different earrings and tops/outfits daily. a few skirts even, and more than 1 pair of shoes for the whole week. it is tiring. but Brian seems to like it. Probably cause I am wearing my black heels more often.... and skirts.
here some of the things from the past week:Nevermind. I can't find them. and the ones I took with Manual focus are OUT of focus- so I probably need glasses or something. I will post Sunday's outfit now and get the rest up later,

AND I have pictures of last Wednesday top & Earrings

************************************ SCHOOL:
All 3 boys have finished (what they had as their goal) for and have moved to using KHAN Academy. Aleks is very good! but cost money. too much with 3 kids. But, I do like Khan even better. And not just because it has a better price. (free)- the boys can log in with google or facebook- 1 less password/login name to memorize
- It loads MUCH faster. With ALEKS I always had wait for the page to open, then wait for each boys info to be gathered to open their own pages.
- It keeps track of JUST time spent DOING the actual math, unlike ALEKS with counts all time they are logged-in, even if they are sidetracked to pet the cat for 20 minutes.
- even Ki likes it.
- I'd mention it's free as a PLUS, but I did say 'reasons not just because of it's free price'
Connor asked to go to the Library today to do reading and KHAN. Ki liked this idea, too, so I grabbed my knitting and biked with them to the library. They did math and reading. I knit.
When we got back home, Gavin was almost done with his schoolwork. He thought he did enough math, until I showed him that he had not, according to the Khan Website. So he much have been counting- all minutes on the site'- not how many of those were DOING math.
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Love the butterflies! So pretty.
I ws wondering what happened to you, you usualy pop up every day or so. Hope you had fun!
BTW Love your romper idea from the polo. An old shirt or jersey would be a great idea for a "coming home" outfit for a newborn. :)
BTW (2) My son and I were talking in the car about how far it would be possible for a person to puke. Then we got into velocity, density, etc. I have to say I found myself totally thinking of how you could turn this into a biology lesson for the kids. :)
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