(I didn't hear the 1st part of the sentence)".............. .............. nipples. So we cut them off"
[me]"you cut off it's nipples??"
[youth pastor]"No, we cut the whole thing."
He is now all the way down the steps carrying the mannequin.The mannequin with missing arms and two holes in it's chest.

it's not actually the youth pastor's mannequin. I think it is the pastor's.
I guess when wearing the T-Shirt, the mannequin nipples showed through, so they just gave the mannequin a complete mastectomy.
I need to Lysol the openings. The mannequin chest holes smell like a stinky boys locker room.
WHY did I have this armless, boob-less, church mannequin at my house?Because my pastor asked me to sew a Priest Outfit for the mannequin.

I won't be putting pomegranates along the bottom hem, but will find some sort of bell.
The verses say to use a braid along the neckline to keep it from tearing. So as binding. I asked if the pastor wanted me to use a brain or regular binding. He said 'regular'- But I added a 'fancy stitch'- to make up for the lack of a braid.

Today I will be looking for the fabric of 'woven blue, purple, and scarlet' and the bells.
*****************************SCHOOL TODAY:
Gavin finished his 10th Aleks topic (his weekly assignment)- so he'll be starting KHAN next week.Connor is piddling through his last 3 topics in ALEKS, because he is spending most of his time at KHAN doing math challenges there.
The Unschooler says- Just Switch Him now! It's what he wants and what seems to work.The responsible parent in me says : He needs to learn to finish things. It's not a bad or harmful or evil thing. He's good at it. Khan is just 'more fun'. So he can finish the Aleks.
So the Combined Mom that I really am, made the compromise of:If the finish their weekly assignment this week- well- they can switch to Khan next week- even if they aren't at the "90% Completion Goal" we had set together.
IN OTHER NEWS: Gavin & Connor found an online art program/computer illustrator they want to buy. They pooled their finances together and had enough to purchase it.It's $60. They asked me if maybe dad could help them a little with the cost.Well, I just paid $60 on Ki's Culinary Kit- so I am fine paying $60 for their Computer Graphics Program. I told them dad said he'd help them out with it and he'd let them know know how much later. We will be paying it- obviously,- with a credit card or Pay Pal- and they have their money to pay us back.
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Hilarious! I love it! Plus, I've always found it annoying when you walk through a department store and see nipples on all the mannequins! HATE that.
Lazy Dad did a sermon series on the Tabernacle and at the end dressed up in Priests garb. We rented his though... he knew better than to ask me to sew!
The Lazy Mom
And just think... if he ever decides to not become a pastor... he'd make a great surgeon. :)
BTW... the Watermelon caviar is amazing. Course, I have no idea where to get the calcium, beakers, burners, and other chemicals, so I will leave that magic to you. Have fun!
(My boys are so jealous)
Awesome! I love it.
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