- my children's birthdays are on the Same day every year, yet I always seem to not realize they are quickly approaching until I no longer have time to plan much.
* I cooked meat the night before so Connor could have his requested breakfast burritos on his birthday.
truth is....
- if I had planned better and had a more open day, I would have cooked the meat in time for DINNER and used leftovers for the burritos, but by the time I got home there wasn't time, so Brian took the boys to Taco Bell for dinner while I got 2 pounds of cow cooking in the oven.
truth is...
- Ki should be pastry chef. He loves cooking and talks about being a chef, but he really doesn't like working with meats and doesn't eat veggies.... So maybe he should go for Mastery of a selective area in his culinary pursuits.
truth is....
- Ki designed Connor's cake and decorated it. It is based on one of Connor's favorite online games.... LEAGUE OF LEGENDS..... it has a gum paste sword and yellow spin lines and around the edge it says Spin To Win and have grey gum paste swords. It was his first time using gum paste.
truth is....
- We would benefit from a nice kitchen scale. And I really like when Ki has Cooking Type Studies, but my hios and thighs don't quite feel the same as I do.... last week he made Blueberry Tarts.

truth is....
-I have been way too busy this pastvweek. and it has not been super productive busy. It's justr "running all over the place" busyness. Like to take Connor to his Volunteering gig...
Truth Is....
Connor LOVES Breakfast Burritos!!
YOUR TURN!! Write your Own Truth Is Post and Link It Up HERE-->
Don't you love smart aleck comments from kids?
I am a new GFC follower. I found you on a blog hop. I would love it if you would follow me back please. Thank you.
Good morning (midnight here in Albuquerque - hooray for insomnia!)
I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated one of your posts for the Best in Show Award on my blog (http://lambaround.blogspot.com/2012/01/not-baaad-indeed.html)
Way to go :)
Also, that board is totally like our smart-alec chalkboard door!
That wipe board is so totally something Youngest would do. I have also been busy. As if you couldn't tell.... it's Sunday and I'm just getting here now.
Mastery in pastry... now THAT is a fabulous idea. Feel free to send me samples.
i feel bad coming to this so late... Truth is, i didn't open my reader once since the middle of last week...
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