yesterday was less than minimally blog worthy. The most blog worthy part was around noon....
When it was 12:12 1/2/12
And the yummy Creole Style breakfast! Brian took me to Bon Temps (Creole cafe) for breakfast. I got Pain Perdu (French Toast) with honey-rum syrup, toasted pecans and whipped cream. I had a side order of Hot Sausage.

I spent about $160 at the grocery already this year!
That is enough of what happened yesterday.....
Brian returned to work today. Though vacation is over and I love my husband, I am very happy to have my schedule back!
I had my protein shake for breakfast. Did a few sit ups. Watered the citrus trees while doing walking lunges. I like when I can actually get life done while exercising. Exercising is kind of a time drain otherwise.
When it was 12:12 1/2/12
And the yummy Creole Style breakfast! Brian took me to Bon Temps (Creole cafe) for breakfast. I got Pain Perdu (French Toast) with honey-rum syrup, toasted pecans and whipped cream. I had a side order of Hot Sausage.
I spent about $160 at the grocery already this year!
That is enough of what happened yesterday.....
Brian returned to work today. Though vacation is over and I love my husband, I am very happy to have my schedule back!
I had my protein shake for breakfast. Did a few sit ups. Watered the citrus trees while doing walking lunges. I like when I can actually get life done while exercising. Exercising is kind of a time drain otherwise.
That was lunch.. Juicer:: Blackberries, a couple grapes (for the liquid, as blackberries are as thick as tar), half a bunch of spinach, 2 carrots.... and a 1/2 chunk of fresh ginger.... it looked like Prune Juice when stirred. tasted just fine.....
My acupuncturist commented on my tongue being purple and said it meant something about 'stuck energy/emotion".. I told him it probably meant I have a blackberry juicer for lunch.
Have I told you how much I love acupuncture? I told him that the ear tacks not only help headaches, but they seem to filter some of my over-sensitive sensory processing. He was almost excited to hear that, something about research and the Amygdala and he thought it would work that way.
Oh, I had some sesame-honey covered almonds with my juicer. A girl needs protein, ya know.
That Crock Pot Dinner?
I suggest you to put facebook likes button.
Not a bad idea at all... I must ask HOW of my fellow bloggers who have such shinies!
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