READ in your Bible. Chose a book of the bible and read through it in order. 2 chapters daily. (REPLY to this, stating what book in the Bible you are reading this week.)
Spend a minimum of 45 minutes with Khan Math. This week you have a specific assignment. Watch 3 videos in Geometry daily. Take notes (should be easy as he teaches with notes on a board). Use a Spiral Bound Notebook. Do the Geometry sections on the Practice Map. If you get through the videos and exercises and have not met your time requirement- then just do whatever other Khan math you want to get the time.
Read 2 Current Event News articles Daily. Use a notebook and record the date and title and brief 2-3 sentences about it.
Grammar CD-Rom- tell me what you have done, where you are, scores, etc. I'll decide what to have you do next on it after I see where you are.
OTHER STUFF: There will be random assignments through out the week. Chemistry class together, Library research, etc. <------ WIGGLE ROOM
***I think I'll send them all 3 to the Library tomorrow (monday) for math and reading, maybe research.
READ in your Bible. Chose a book of the bible and read through it in order. 2 chapters daily. (REPLY to this, stating what book in the Bible you are reading this week.)
Spend a minimum of 45 minutes with Khan Math. This week you have a specific assignment. Watch 3 videos in Geometry daily. Take notes (should be easy as he teaches with notes on a board). Use a Spiral Bound Notebook. Do the Geometry sections on the Practice Map. If you get through the videos and exercises and have not met your time requirement- then just do whatever other Khan math you want to get the time.
Read 1 Current Event News articles Daily. Use a notebook and record the date and title and brief 2-3 sentences about it.
WRITING- Finish that story you are doing with Ki. get to 5 Pages by Wednesday (turn in Wed at Breakfast). Thursday & Friday- FreeWriting for 30 minutes each of those days
OTHER STUFF: There will be random assignments through out the week. Chemistry class together, Library research, etc.
READ in your Bible. Chose a book of the Bible and read through it in order. 2 chapters daily. (REPLY to this, stating what book in the Bible you are reading this week.)
Spend a minimum of 30 minutes with Khan Math. This week you have a specific assignment. Earn the following badges by Friday: MOON badges-
Journeyman Arithmetician & Awesome Listener
Read - I will give you a specific book this week to read. 45 minutes daily
WRITING- Finish that story you are doing with Ki. get to 5 Pages by Wednesday (turn in Wed at Breakfast). Thursday & Friday- FreeWriting for 30 minutes each of those days
OTHER STUFF: There will be random assignments through out the week. Chemistry class together, Library research, etc.
I am SO BAD about collecting assignments.
Ki came back from his bike ride, proudly exclaiming that now 6 people (strangers) in the neighborhood all know that he can't say the alphabet. (yes, Ki is 14. He sees no need to be able to say the letters in order. I think he on purpose block that skill because he thinks it is neat to say that he can't)
I told asked him; "BUT, what if you need to take a job as a secretary and you need to file papers??"
he told me if he ever needed to be a secretary, then he'd learn the alphabet, but he doubts he'll ever need that skill.
Me... I know that when/If Ki needs to- he will learn it. (and I needed to cheat and sing the song from start to finish to figure out what came next even in College)
So- now you know. I failed in teaching my kids the Alphabet song.

I love the idea of emailing them their assignments! Thanks for sharing.
I also love the emailing idea, and I often email something to my girls that I think they'll like to follow up on.
I love that you capitalize READ the bible.
Maybe you should have Ki alphabetize the apostles. :)
You know, there's all kinds of alphabet songs... maybe you could find a non-conventional one for him to learn, and then teach to the 6 people in the neighborhood. That way, he'll still feel like a rebel.
I think it is great the Ki likes to share his fun fact with the neighbors. He sounds like a charmer.
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