FIRST = My apologies for the whacky way the pictures loaded, all helter-skelter on the page. Just try to go with it.
We didn't really do any schooling last week. we just relaxed, watched Netflix, read books, and the boys played on the computer a lot. It was very laid-back week.
I need a structured week. So do the boys; though they may not realize it. Ki usually realizes it, though.[yeah for homeschooling our sensory kids & teaching them to know themselves]
Here is my Prep for a Somewhat structured School week.[we often end the week a lot LESS structured than it starts]

- Wipe and clean the Dry Erase Boards. The Week Schedule board is old and needs Soft Scrub.

- Fill in the WEEKLY Board.
- Check my calendar for the week
- Check Menu ideas for the week (esp lunches)
- Find all the CD-Roms we'll be using
- browse through thee CD-Roms making lesson plans/assignment lists
- Send Emails to the boys with their school work
- Have the boys find their notebooks
- Clean the kitchen
SCIENCE: now that we are finished with the Forensic Classes, we are getting back to Chemistry.
[their chosen science for the rest of the year]
I need to go through the material in advance to decide what Ki will be doing with us and when he'll be doing something different from us. I am using Apologia High School Chemistry CD-Rom.
For things all 3 boys do together, I read through it and make some notes,
then I teach it to them (on the other Dry Erase board). {they watch online vids together}
~For things C&G do without Ki, I have them just do it off the computer [CD-Rom] together,
Ki does worksheets at the desk in his room
[this is the only time the desk gets used at a desk. and Ki is like his mom- and enjoys doing worksheets]
Worksheets give Ki the review he needs on those areas that are difficult for him
{due to his sensory problems & dyslexia, some things need constant reinforcement or he forgets them, no matter when/how he learned them earlier}
*I like to look up extra Science Projects/Demonstrations/Experiments to go with the lesson.
~ and YouTube videos ~

Today Brian and did some work in the yard; mostly pulling weeds. I planted radishes.
I have gotten my 100TH follower! Yeah! THANKS~
I think I will write a New Friends Post this week.... so come back later this week and check it out!
[yes, I know I ended a sentences in a preposition.]
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