For Today... June 18, 2010 [with Oct 2008 stuff, too](click the above picture to read more Simple Woman Daybook entries by other women)
Outside my Window... [today] The water sprinkler is feeding the grass it's daily dose of water. Not many avocados left on the tree that over hangs the wall. The sky is white-grey with the Santa Maria Morning Cloud cover; which rolls away to reveal bright sun by about 10 AM. "June Gloom" [Mid October 2008]There was an extra heavy dew/mist this morning. We get our Morning Garden of Eden Dew here. Some days it's so heavy you can hear it dripping off the roof and through the trees and it sounds like rain- almost.
I am thinking... [today] about our trip to Ohio next week. Getting Excited. And I still can't find the gift I bought for my mom for Mother's Day. UG. [mid Oct 2008]Having a teenage girl living here this week and next will be interesting and hopefully fun.
From the learning rooms... [today] Ki and I are learning how to make FRUIT LEATHERS. No 'intentional learning' today. Gavin is learning how to drive. He drove about an hour on the way back from L.A. (with Brian). I will be looking into requirements for Gavin to take classes this fall at the local college and I'll be installing a SAT Prep course on the laptops for G&C. But that'll be after our trip. [oct 2008] I posted a list 2 days ago of the boys intended work. Gavin did 2 of his Physics Experiments yesterday and will hopefully be ready for his end of chapter test later this week. Physics has become a weekend/evening class now that he had advanced enough to need help. Brian does it with him a couple nights a week on Saturday or Sunday. This week for Social Studies the boys are researching different Political Parties for their Elections class. I think I have 2 more classes of ASL to teach.
I am thankful for... [today] I'm thinking I'll use my Oct 2008 answer: Brian's great job! He took a Business Trip to L.A. and was able to take Gavin with him! father-Son time. w00t! And he has a Business trip back to Ohio, which is probably the only reason we can afford to go back and get to stay in a hotel for a week while there! [Oct 2008]My husbands great job. He had 15 workdays of leave he has to take of between now and Dec 31. That's almost every other workday.
From the kitchen... [ today]Fruit Leathers are STILL drying. We started them yesterday. My oven's lowest is 170. F.Ls need 140. So I turned the oven off overnight. (you;re supposed to leave them in the warm oven overnight)... and now, I see Oct 2008's answer and I want to make Amish Bread Starter! [Oct 2008] 2 bags of Amish Friendship Bread starter. I forgot to take my 4 bags to the Homeschool Group Friday. I decided to just keep 2 and throw 2 away. Tomorrow we'll have the V.H's over for Tacos when they drop Dynasty off to stay a week.
I am wearing... [Today] Brian's Sweater & Jeans. with a tank top under the sweater, b/c when 10:30 hits, the clouds will have burned away and it will probably be warm enough for it. [oct 2008]new slippers from Target. I had worn holes in my other ones.
I am reading... Books in the Kathy Reichs Series. These are books on which the TV Show BONES is based. But it's NOT "Bones".. good books still, but don;t read them fully expecting them to 'be' BONES. [Oct 2008]about the Green Party, the Libertarian Party and the Democratic Party.
I am hoping... [Today]Eat Fruit Leathers today. [Oct 2008]to have a smooth week with our house guest.
I am creating.. [Today] I am procrastinating a scarf that I want to knit. I am about done with the swatch (the practice section) Mostly, though, I am just creating a mess. [Oct 2008]I am waiting for the sewing table to get cleared off so I can create there.
Outside my Window... [today] The water sprinkler is feeding the grass it's daily dose of water. Not many avocados left on the tree that over hangs the wall. The sky is white-grey with the Santa Maria Morning Cloud cover; which rolls away to reveal bright sun by about 10 AM. "June Gloom" [Mid October 2008]There was an extra heavy dew/mist this morning. We get our Morning Garden of Eden Dew here. Some days it's so heavy you can hear it dripping off the roof and through the trees and it sounds like rain- almost.
I am thinking... [today] about our trip to Ohio next week. Getting Excited. And I still can't find the gift I bought for my mom for Mother's Day. UG. [mid Oct 2008]Having a teenage girl living here this week and next will be interesting and hopefully fun.
From the learning rooms... [today] Ki and I are learning how to make FRUIT LEATHERS. No 'intentional learning' today. Gavin is learning how to drive. He drove about an hour on the way back from L.A. (with Brian). I will be looking into requirements for Gavin to take classes this fall at the local college and I'll be installing a SAT Prep course on the laptops for G&C. But that'll be after our trip. [oct 2008] I posted a list 2 days ago of the boys intended work. Gavin did 2 of his Physics Experiments yesterday and will hopefully be ready for his end of chapter test later this week. Physics has become a weekend/evening class now that he had advanced enough to need help. Brian does it with him a couple nights a week on Saturday or Sunday. This week for Social Studies the boys are researching different Political Parties for their Elections class. I think I have 2 more classes of ASL to teach.
I am thankful for... [today] I'm thinking I'll use my Oct 2008 answer: Brian's great job! He took a Business Trip to L.A. and was able to take Gavin with him! father-Son time. w00t! And he has a Business trip back to Ohio, which is probably the only reason we can afford to go back and get to stay in a hotel for a week while there! [Oct 2008]My husbands great job. He had 15 workdays of leave he has to take of between now and Dec 31. That's almost every other workday.
From the kitchen... [ today]Fruit Leathers are STILL drying. We started them yesterday. My oven's lowest is 170. F.Ls need 140. So I turned the oven off overnight. (you;re supposed to leave them in the warm oven overnight)... and now, I see Oct 2008's answer and I want to make Amish Bread Starter! [Oct 2008] 2 bags of Amish Friendship Bread starter. I forgot to take my 4 bags to the Homeschool Group Friday. I decided to just keep 2 and throw 2 away. Tomorrow we'll have the V.H's over for Tacos when they drop Dynasty off to stay a week.
I am wearing... [Today] Brian's Sweater & Jeans. with a tank top under the sweater, b/c when 10:30 hits, the clouds will have burned away and it will probably be warm enough for it. [oct 2008]new slippers from Target. I had worn holes in my other ones.
I am reading... Books in the Kathy Reichs Series. These are books on which the TV Show BONES is based. But it's NOT "Bones".. good books still, but don;t read them fully expecting them to 'be' BONES. [Oct 2008]about the Green Party, the Libertarian Party and the Democratic Party.
I am hoping... [Today]Eat Fruit Leathers today. [Oct 2008]to have a smooth week with our house guest.
I am creating.. [Today] I am procrastinating a scarf that I want to knit. I am about done with the swatch (the practice section) Mostly, though, I am just creating a mess. [Oct 2008]I am waiting for the sewing table to get cleared off so I can create there.
I am hearing... [ today] about the same as the Oct answer- with the added sound of the cat eating and the hum of the fan in this laptop. [Oct 2008] cars, trucks, keyboards, Connor&Gavin, birds, some humming sound....
Around the house... [Today] - We got rid of the rug in the front room. I always walked around it instead of having my feet touch it, so it was basically just a big obstacle in the middle of the room. AND- the sink is fixed. And the Dishwasher is fixed- but won't really work well until we get a water softener which we won't be getting, so it doesn't matter. [Oct 2008] All the questions are getting redundant now. Last week I used our dry erase board as a calendar for the week. Each day with school times, plans we have, place we will go, dinner, etc- the boys really liked it so I'm doing it again this week.
From the Garden... I just added this question. It is replacing "1 of my fav things". Picked 3 huge strawberries today! The 4 largest tomato plants are covered inn blossoms and small green tomatoes. The squash plants have all had flowers. I have a big handful of Sugar Snap Peas to pick today (or tomorrow. I might give them one more day to get extra fat & juicy) I have weeding to do and h ave to make sure the plants are ready for the neighbor to come water them.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... [Today] It's Friday. The rest of the week is todayand tomorrow. House cleaning and bike ride today. Tomorrow I'm going on a Lunch Date with some moms from Vandenberg. Debb is moving to Germany next week, so we're all going out one last time before she leaves. I'll even Flat-Iron my bangs and maybe wear eyeshadow!
[Oct 2008] continuing the: Getting up around 7:15 daily, earlier breakfasts, that was great for everyone except Ki who was overly tired and having meltdowns at the end of the week. So we are back to the older two getting up early and letting Ki sleep until 8:30 and Breakfast at 9, unless G&C ate already. Continue the Individual classes for each boy, ASL, PE and elections class, and Gymnastics. This weeks PE class is a run/walk to support the troops. I will be biking to the Farmers market on Wed. **BIGGEST PLAN this week- Dynasty comes tomorrow and stays for 8-9 days. Brian will take her to school and pick her up.
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