I rode my bike to the pharmacy to get my Fioricet. I was under the impression it was ready for me, but it's not. I'll go back this afternoon. I want to have my Fioricet with me on this 2 weeks in Ohio. Though I love rain,I hate the humid heat and the mold it brings- I get such bad migraines from it all. I don;t want to spend my vacation in bed with pain in my brain.
I need to find some cheese cloth to hang the head to dry out while we're gone.
My neighbor will be coming over to water plants and feed the cat. I told her to just pick/eat whatever is ready while we're gone. The sugar snap peas are taking off. I pick a few every other day. Some of the green tomatoes are starting to turn to almost yellow. I wonder if the neighbor will get to eat my 1st ripe tomato of the season.
Yesterday the boys made a fire out back and were cooking marshmallows. Ki stepped on a glowing hot poker.
He used aloe from the plants outback. He's finally walking OK again. I think he hopes he has a scar for life. My son has been branded! He's a Knock-Off Hurley brand, I think.
I had planned on knitting a lot on out flight to Ohio. We leave tomorrow. We'll be gone June23-July7th. I'll have my laptop, so I hope to find time to update occasionally.
ANYWAY, it's an overnight flight, so I'll just sleep, not knit.
I'll bring my Dishcloth Project with me on the plane though. In case I find the time. The DNA project will be for the hotel where I can spread out on the bed.
Love the sunflower! I hope that you don't get migraines the whole time that you are gone. Have a fun trip Kim!!
Ah, if I had read your blog first, I wouldn't have needed to ask about his foot. Have a fun, safe, and healthy trip to Ohio!
We have sunflowers in bloom here, but they must be "mini" versions. They are only about 1-2 feet tall. They sprouted from some birdseed..and I just let them grow. We have planted cucumbers and tomatoes. We are still patiently waiting on the tomatoes. We've harvested one cuke...and boy was it GOOD! I hope Ki's foot heals soon!! Luckily he's a boy and won't mind a scar. ;)
Kim...have a fun and safe trip to Ohio and back. I'll be praying for no migraines so that you can enjoy your trip. Poor Ki...that looks painful, but I suppose you are right about him not minding the scar. Boys are like that...at least mine are :) I love the color of your dishcloth project, just lovely! Can't wait to hear about your OH adventures!
the TARDIS cloth is FINISHED!!!
OUCH! That looks like it was a painful burn. Love the dishcloth, though. I have one I need to finish...
Youch to that brand -- but I know how he hopes that scars. Boys...!
We'll be passing through Ohio while you're there!
Love the dishcloth -- it's pretty!
Thanks for stopping by. Sounds like you and the boys are having a great summer. Enjoy your trip.
Oh, my! That foot looks like it was painful!
it WAS. But he is very proud of his scar. I think the scar now looks like an "X" chromosome.
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