the first item is just something I have been meaning to do for 2 days : I want to announce the marriage of my brother to Lindsey. I am happy for them!
I have been meaning to get these "I've been meaning to..." posts written in time to link up top I'm A Lazy Mom's blog on Mondays...
I am using my iPad to take pictures because: and I guess posting pics to a blog from an iPad doesn't work. I can't even see them now.. but I could when I first posted this.
I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO.. get a new battery charger for my camera.
I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO... finish this puzzle:.
I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO... clean out annd organize the hall closet. Maybe I'll put that on the list for the boys to do.
I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO... organize the plastic container drawers.....
I have been meaning to clean out the school shelves.
I have been meaning to have a garage sale.
I have been meaning to make a list of jobs for "Earn Money Week"
I have been meaning to exercise more.
The boys are all at camp this week. I did not take a picture of them getting ready to leave, but I did get a picture of the boat they will have on the lake for water games:
SO: What have you been meaning to do...?
I so wish I could see your pictures.
I've been meaning to link up as well, maybe next month. :)
I've been meaning to catch a nap.
I've been meaning to make dinner.
I've been meaning to get my butt off the computer and actually do something today...
...still waiting...
I've been meaning to go to bed earlier.
I've been meaning to be nicer and more fun to my kids :P
And I wish I could see your pictures too :(
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