The boys sent me their intended class plans for school. for a few months. We'll try it till our winter break and see if adjustments need to be made. Unless of course it REALLY doesn't work and we need to adjust sooner. I am hoping they will self adjust. Ki is usually good at self-adjusting.
Connor's List:
3600 seconds of math statistics and probability a day
- TopShelf Statitstics (Book *click here to see)
3600 seconds of math statistics and probability a day
- TopShelf Statitstics (Book *click here to see)
- Possibly, Standard Deviants supplement and brushing up on Alg if needed
read "Lord of the Rings" before next year
read "Lord of the Rings" before next year
1 chapter of science a week (*until finished with the Chemistry Course, but I think it takes 2 weeks to do a good job on a chapter. I'll let him try 1 a week and see how long it takes to change his mind.)
learn Japanese for 2700 seconds a day - with Gavin. (program TBA)
learn Japanese for 2700 seconds a day - with Gavin. (program TBA)
Computer Illustration class at Allan Hancock College 8 hours a week(inc lab)
2 chapters 3rd edition calculus and analytical...geometry (Brian's College Book)
*Supplemented with the following if needed:
-Standard Deviants, other online or library sources as/if needed
30 minutes Japanese a day
-unless it has chapters on the program.
-May use flash cards and google
*We have not chosen our program yet. and I will suggest 45 minutes, but 30 may work. He'll be working with Connor.
Drawing livestream it from about 6 to 10+ pm Tuesday Wednesday and maybe Friday
(*he needs to show me he can have his morning work done by 9Am without reminders and with getting up on his own before I will permit computer drawing until 10PM)
Read one book of "LOTR" by end of Sept
Computer illustration at AHC
(he will be finishing up Chemistry, too)
KI'S List of "EVIL SCHOOL"- as he put it
-math 1 Khan video and 30 min of work a day *(I will ask him to follow a course, in order)
-read 3 pages a day in LOTR
-get to 3 pull up in a row (*he also makes sure he rides his bike a few times a week)
-register for acting class at Pismo- * not sure what the dates/times will be for that.
-you were going to give me science. *He will be doing Apologia General Science CD-Rom. I will have him look up extra experiments (that are more fun that theirs- which are boring) and videos.
-math 1 Khan video and 30 min of work a day *(I will ask him to follow a course, in order)
-read 3 pages a day in LOTR
-get to 3 pull up in a row (*he also makes sure he rides his bike a few times a week)
-register for acting class at Pismo- * not sure what the dates/times will be for that.
-you were going to give me science. *He will be doing Apologia General Science CD-Rom. I will have him look up extra experiments (that are more fun that theirs- which are boring) and videos.
*And I have him cook a couple meals a week as part of his school- since he wants to be a chef. but he usually asks to, so it's not really like making him.
College Classes start on Aug 23 (for G&C). I suggested C watch some Pre-Cal vids on Khan before he starts in his book (Sept 6)
Ki likes to ease into school, so I will leave that up to him. I will tell him he needs ti figure out what he needs to do to ease into school, becuase we will be starting 'full day' on Sept 6. he is good at making his own plans for stuff like that.
Great work on your part and the boys. I like that Gavin is learning how to be responsible for getting himself up etc. Not always an easy task for teens, but well worth the lesson. Maybe I'll read LOTR too. Japanese, great challenge.
I like that you included phisical activity as part of their educational goals. I think all too often, as the kids get older, they just like to hang out on the couch.
And I love how he breaks it into seconds.
That's my kind of kid. :)
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