Frankly, dear....
Frankly, dear - I missed Truthful Thursday-AGAIN. Julianna's post reminded me of what I forgot.
Frankly, dear - it's been a week since my last post. I guess I need a more interesting life about which to blog.
Frankly, dear - I can't find the battery charger for my camera- so no interesting pictures. Maybe I can find an older picture to re-use.

Frankly, dear - we played around too much and didn't get through Chemistry, so it is our Summer Course. I took the boys to Panera for their test. chapter 3. Yes, we had that much fun doing other things during the school year.
Frankly, dear - though I like Panera's pastries, I do not like their chai or lattes, so I walk 3 doors down to Starbucks for my chai or latte and take it to Panera to eat with my pastry.
Frankly, dear - we are very spoiled Americans
Frankly, dear - I enjoy having my offspring on Facebook. what an easy way to send them assignments and online links for research, or to share YouTube songs! Gavin is researching predestination (to be able to talk about what he believes with his youth pastor). So I opened my Facebook Chat and messaged him with some Bible Verses and stuff to help his research.
Frankly, dear - It made my heart smile to get this from gavin (on Facebook) " i already have 4 pages & bible verses and what I think of them. I may have 10 by Sunday and i think thats a good amount. Do you mind if i stay for longer to discuss about it? if james is free and ready?"
Frankly, dear - I am tired of Halo Reach in the house. But it has lessened the Starcraft game I don't like....
Frankly, dear -I love that Ki just randomly thinks of things to do. He's almost 15. We comes walking out of his bedroom with some clay and says he's going to make a caterpillar. It's cute. light green and dark green with pink feet and yellow eyes. He made a leaf for it, too. Now he's killing things on the Xbox.
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I too, need a much more exciting life to blog about.
But not too exciting, because I'm really tired.
Seriously, I was at Walmart tonight with the kids and all I kept saying was... It's way past my bedtime.
It was 9:03.
Ki sounds like such a dear.
I had to break down and order a new battery charger, and then of course after searching for weeks it showed back up......
Just dropped by as I have been dreadfully remiss in my visits - I just haven't been able to keep up with everything. To read all my favourite blogs and write posts and have a life I actually have to give up sleeping...does this mean my life is exciting? No, of course not. The duller it is - the harder it is to write about it.
Now, I am off to catch up on your fab blog...
Warm wishes
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