Then we went to Darkshore; Amtgard Camping event:

We are home now. A few dozen loads of laundry have been washed; it seems.

No more Lesson plans to write. No more tests to grade. No longer are my boys my homeschool students. I am changing out of my homeschool hat into my personal hobbies hat. Gardening, fitness, photography, part time employment.
looks like you guys had fun. :)
Gald you're back safe and sound.
Dude needs some support! L.O.L.
You were in SF! If I squinted really hard I probably could have seen you from here across the bay ;-)
Looks like a blast!
I better not let my boys see this is a possibility in the future.....
I'm glad you had a chance to get away with your family before the event. Kids look great!
Wow, looks like you had a great time!
Man-boob dude is super creepy, though.
Growing Up Geeky
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