Connor made omelets for lunch. Two of them. Four eggs each. With bacon and green onions. Can we say; “Growth Spurt”? The green onion was his last from his mini-garden. Ki made a cheese quesadilla with string cheese. We were out of ‘white cheese’ and he found some string cheese in the fridge and shredded that. He doesn’t like cheddar.
I made many, many cups of homemade chai today. Gavin and I drank most of it by early afternoon. It’s been cold and rainy.
I finished my hat. It’s a funny hat. It came out all wrong, but I fixed it. Sort of. It came out way too big. I threaded some thin elastic through it. I want to get Elastic Thread and redo it.
The sun came out for a few minutes so the boys and I did some gardening.I haven’t checked Gavin’s strawberries for awhile. Somehow squash seeds got in the dirt. There is one large (for a sprout) plant almost right in the middle of the berries. I wonder of I can move it without hurting the berries and keeping it alive. There are also some smaller squash plants close by.
My transplanted cactus is FINALLY showing new growth after being transplanted 1 ½ yrs ago. And I broke my Aloe Plant. All in a Day’s Work!
Later tonight I'll play some Zendo. I want to brush up a bit before the Gaming Convention.
Oh my, I don't look forward to the grocery bills in my future! Four of them, that's impressive!
luckily not all 3 of my teenage boys eat like they are teenage boys. The 13 yr old still is picky. I should have started a savings account for food when they were little.
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