Thursday, July 24, 2008

What I Did Today.....

BEFORE: it may look all pretty and floral, but it is mostly dead, overgrown and scraggly.

AFTER: I elt like Edward Scissorhands whacking away and throwing dead branched over my shoulder and yelling at the rose trees. (they bite). I cut away a lot of dead stuff, shaped the bushes and rose trees, and cut more dead stuff, cut a lot of 'strangler vines', etc. and cleared the sprinkler house so we can use it. It was covered in dead debri.

that is the rose tree leaning way over. I tried to straighten it.

I an so worn out. I may not bike to the bike shop. (need some bike baskets)


Stacie said...

Keeter Scissor Hands!

I think it looks a lot better.

Anonymous said...

I am tired just thinking about all the work you did. :-)

Niall MacC said...

Hard work, but I bet it was satisfying!


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