Monday, April 30, 2007

First Impressions-

This is a two part blog- the first is a journal of our school day- the second an entry about new blogger friends.

I woke up on time today, but felt brain dead. The boys were up on tim and Manuel got up, but fell asleep on the couch. My boys asked to dig outside this morninf. So they worked on their current school project- digging a hole in my backyard. Whenever they choose to do something like this, Ki calls it a school project- so I'll let him do it 'instead of schoolwork'. It's cute. So I then ask him what he is learning with his project and get to hear all kinds of reasons....

The did reading and spelling before lunch. For lunch we went to a greasy fast food, fried chicken joint next to their school (where they take once a week clases). It's called Chicken Louie's. Manuel enjoyed saying the name. We ate at the school. the food place is just carry out. Connor found over 60 cents under their pop machines. This is what he does everywhere we go. He's even found foreign currency on occassion!

A lady I know is a nurse and helped me re-wrap Manuel's legs to help elleviate his swelling. There been no change in that though. if you missed it- Manuel's Story

After lunch and Gavin's computer class, we did some more school here at the house. It didn;t seem to amount to much.

I decided to start going through summer clothes, with all this WARM weather! I love this time of year... when I get to look through their 'new for this season' clothes.

I am new to blogspot. I homeschool journaled at a different place, but never got comments and found it hard to get to other blogs to read them.
Being new here and having found some great blogs- I thought I’d highlight some of the ones I read most. The names are clickable links to take yo to the blogs.

A room of my own—A mom to 3 feisty kids- by her own admission.
I love all the links to other bloggers. Her daughter (12) sounds like a wonderful child, full of love and compassion. Her little James reminds me of my boys….. all boy! sharks, cars, dirt! And her 3 yr old is adorable. I’d like to meet her skink. Her latest blog of Sunday Six… or was that Saturday Seven- is GREAT! I love the idea- it’s like a ‘mini carnival’. And being new here, I love all the links and intros to other great blogs to read.

dumb ox academy- I just found this blog. It looks as if she is raising a smart, thoughtful 14 yr old. Having a boy almost that age and 2 more close behind- it’ good to see that others are doing a great job raising teenage boys. It strengthens my resolve.

Enjoy The Journey- I enjoyed her thoughts on Double Standards of ‘Earth Day’. I have just started reading hers and don’t have a lot to say yet. But I have enjoyed all I have read so far! I like her simple truth/common sense thinking.

Get In Hang On- easy to read and thought provoking. And it’s her daughter’s birthday! This is another one I have only read twice. So- my review is short.

Home schooling Aspergers- a mum from Down Under with a fun little boy! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading her blog of homeschooling in Australia. It’s neat to see that kids are kids and just the same everywhere. And I have enjoyed reading her approach to home educating her Aspie Son. (having 2 or 3 myself…LOL) And she has nice photos on her blogs!

Homeschooling in the Garden State- a very PINK blog! LOL. She has a LOT of fun with her little girl, who often is clad in pink tutus or other frilly pretty costumes. I love the feather boa numbers! And the have lots of fun gardening.

In A Spacious Place- a first reader to this one- very well stated and thought provoking. With a loooong list of links to other bloggers!

Issues with Knitting- though I don’t knit and hate to wear sock- I have enjoyed this blog from the get-go. Her blogs are just enjoyable to read. And her knitting is very pretty, too. and colorful. I have enjoyed her review on Leak Brake classes…..

Kitchen Table Learners- also a first time reader here, but I already like it. Homeschool blogs about boys and nature are always among my favorites!

Little Acorn Trees- What is not to love about a fellow chart maker?? I so enjoy reading accounts of others’ homeschool days and gathering tips for organization and schedules!

My Little Wonders- a mom to 3 girls, a boy and a stepson. She is new here, too. And has my favorite type of homeschool blog--- just retelling what went on in their school lives!

Notes from a Homeschoolihg Mom- What a neat idea! A VIDEO BLOG! her blogs are not something you have to read, she video tapes herself talking to you about what is going through her head! I love the concept! (but am too shy to do it myself)

One Big Happy Family- just had a baby boy! They have that great, live and learn with outdoor nature thing going on there too!

Purple Puzzle Place- another blogger I am slowly getting to now. She has the cutest little girls! But I often feel a bit out of place amongst all little girls—like I don’t know what to say…LOL

Ragamuffin Studies- Fun, friendly blogs. And she thinks, too. I have just read a couple of her blogs- but I am enjoying them and look forward to her next.

ScrapLove- a single homeschooling mom in the Netherlands. She has a 13 yr old son and is another mom on my list of ‘moms who homeschool autism spectrum kids). Her blog has lots of photos and ranging from lovely flowers to cool cars! And is another of my favorite blog styles- the recounting of the day!

Sprittibee- She hosted the first Homeschool Blog carnival I posted… Her blog is fun and informative. I like stopping by to see what is new! Hey, maybe I’ll think of another carnival post entry…….. her blog does take a while to load for me, though.


Ahermitt said...

Thanks for the mention... I think it takes a special kind of crazy to do what I am doing!

Megan Bayliss said...

Oh Kaber, thank you for articulating that you find our blog helpful.
Down Under is such a different place compared to how you live. But to us, its just home and we just do what we do.
I am glad you found your way to a better blogging platform and community.I am glad I found you.

Meg_L said...


I'm happy you find my blog interesting, though I'm afraid that the 'thought provoking' part doesn't happen that often.

purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog. Don't feel out of place, LOL . . . kids are kids, and moms are moms. One of my husband's brothers has 6 boys and no girls. :)

Garden State Kate said...

Thanks K. for visiting our "pink blog",lol. My little Princess will love that! :-)
Now I need to find time to visit all the blogs you mentioned....

Summer said...

You've got a great list of homeschooling blogs there. I think you will find a lot more community here. :)

LAA and Family said...

I've been hoping to find more homeschooling blogs, thanks for providing some to check out!

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Hi, Kaber!

I think I am missing something about Manuel's legs? Anyway, I hope everything is o.k.

This must be the week for greasy spoon dining, N. and I ate at The Owl Cafe on Monday. It is the down home-Rubin-or-hamburger-fries type of place. We were able to sit out on the patio for the first time this year and enjoy viewing the OWL--which is the shape of the building.

Thanks for sharing blogs you enjoy! This and the Carnival are the ways I find new and interesting blogs. I'll be checking out your fav's soon!

Willa said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog. I see some of my favorite blogs on your list and the rest look really interesting. I will sit down with a cup of coffee someday and go surfing : D

I really enjoy your blog too. You have some of the same things going on that I do with a handful of boys and some sensory integration issues going on.

It was interesting reading about Manuel's story. I will be hoping that things go well for his legs -- oh, how painful!

"My Little Wonders" said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog.....I love to view yours daily and I have enjoyed some that you mentioned. I am looking forward to visiting the ones that I have never been to. Thanks for helping to spread the homeschool world around :)


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