Saturday, April 21, 2007

Double Doodles

I have nothing to post from Yesterday- so here is a post from March-

Double Doodles is an activity where you draw the same thing with both hands at the same time and they are mirror image of each other. It's good for getting the eyes to work with the brain and getting both sides of the brain to work together at he same time. It is a Brain Gym activity.

here is Connor-

Here is Gavin-

The Schoolroom after school today- we all cleaned up well today.

Here is Ki writing his story yesterday-

Connor and Gavin writing their spelling words yesterday-

I need to get another ball or two. Ki uses the ball for his OT and They all like to sit on it for school.


Carrie said...

Cool, I've never heard of double doodles. I'm going to have the kids give that a try today.

I like the work area you have set up for the kids. I didn't think about that, but it would really help if they had a specific place to go to do schoolwork. Neat! =)

"My Little Wonders" said...

I love the set up you have for homeschooling. Is that an extra room in your house? We are still kinda on the kitchen table ....and the floor ...and all over the place. I would love to have a seperate room. Where did you get the table? That would be soooo nice for me and my little ones. OOH would you mind if I added you to my blog? I wanted to ask before I did it. Thanks :)

Willa said...

That's interesting about the Double Doodles. My seven year old gets OT and he has a therapy ball that is always being used by SOMEBODY.


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