My friend, Jana, is doing a 30 Days of Knitting Questions. (her blog: Knitting in the red )

No more Lesson plans to write. No more tests to grade. No longer are my boys my homeschool students. I am changing out of my homeschool hat into my personal hobbies hat. Gardening, fitness, photography, part time employment.
· --- BOOKS Encyclopedia Brown. 39 Clues, CSI books {Some books for them to read on their own-not part of class}
· -------- Make fake Blood : http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/fake-blood-recipes?utm_source=101020&utm_medium=email&utm_content=exptxt&utm_campaign=eow
· ----- Obtain Typewriters (3 or 4 hopefully)
I have broken the class down into Sessions. About 1 week per session.
Se · http://www.forensicmag.com/
---- * Session: Overview of Forensics & Jobs in Forensics
o General Videos
o Occupations
§ http://www.ehow.com/facts_5418966_different-occupations-forensic-science.html
§ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_science SEE: SUBDIVISIONS
§ http://www.computer-forensics-recruiter.com/index.html
§ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_anthropology
§ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_odontology
o vocabulary
o word-roots (latin/Medical Terms)
o Medical ASL
· ---- Session: (other) Evidence
o Blood Splatter
o Impression (shoes, teeth)
o Gun/bullets/GSR
o Things left behind (cigarette butts, food wrappers, ticket stubs, etc)
o Lip/palm/etc prints
o Insects
o Fibers
o Collect fibers at the ranch?
o GROUP CLASS: “Follow The Evidence”
---- · Session: Documents
o Typewriters/printers
o Handwriting
o Codes Morse Code/Sign Language
o Paper/Ink Analysis
o Notepad rubs to find clues
o Double Doodles/Left-hand Writing
---- · Session: Biological IDs
o Genetics
o GROUP CLASS: Phlebotomy
o Blood Types
o Hair
o fingerprints
o Biological Profile
---- · Session: Bones
o Full skeletal
o Odontology
o Anthropology
o Clues in bones
o Watching BONES
· Session: Reconstruction/Art
o Suspect drawing
o Skull/face reconstruction
o Crime Scene Drawing/Graphing
o Court Room Artist
o C.S. Photos
· Putting it ALL together
· GROUP CLASS: Fickle Forensics (Pickle Gang Autopsy)-
· I This will be a big project- finding a crime scene. marking evidence, Identifying "bodies" (large dill pickles), doing autopsies
**I then use the Sessions Ideas as a Skeleton Outline and fill in week by week with specific things to do for each of the sessions- here is what I have so far:
Monday: VHIP (Our Homeschool Group- I'll do a group class/activity on Mondays)
Ø Crime Scene Clean-Up. Making Fingerprint Powder. Making Evidence Markers. The Scene: take pictures, make documentations/measurements. Collect/ID evidence. back to Lab. Crime Scene Reconstruction.
Tuesday: 3T
Ø Puzzle of the Day (Puzzles/Challlenges are taken from/Inspired by:
Ø Different jobs within Forensics
Ø Vocabulary
Ø Fingerprint bk5-8 pg 40-48. Make fingerprint powder. make a 10 print card. practice lifting prints. Balloon Prints for ID purpose.
Ø Super Glue Fuming in baggies. try film canister. cardstock. http://www.theforensicteacher.com/fingerprints.html
Ø iodine fuming. use crystals from Chem Class. http://blog.makezine.com/science_room/forensics/forensics_laboratory_82_revealing_l/
Wednesday:3T entomology
Ø YouTube
Ø http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entomology
Ø http://www.forensic-entomology.com/
Ø Puzzle of the Day
Ø Book 5-8 page 59 Cracked Glass
Ø Burning Fibers book5-8 page 32
Ø MiniMystery (2)
Ø Possible Collection of Fibers from the Farm
Ø Daily Puzzle
Ø MiniMystery http://www.theforensicteacher.com/mini-mystery.html
Ø CSI Kit (Evidence)
Ø Possible analyzing of fibers collected from farm
WEEK 2 January 10-14 Human Biology
Monday: VHIP
Ø (3T) Daily Puzzle
Ø YouTube
Ø Phleb Class
Ø Make a big batch of fake blood. if we need more
Ø Puzzler of the Day
Ø Blood Spatter. bk 5-8 pg 112-127 do all 3 labs.
Ø Vocabulary
Ø YouTube
Ø Mini Mystery
Ø Puzzle
Ø “CSI” kit for DNA.
I have gone through their Chemistry DVD and browsed online to find experiments.
Reading through their DVD was a bit boring. This course NEEDS extra fun! Chemistry Class should be full of smoke, flames, color changes, etc. In fact, it is my personal opinion that numbers really aren't needed for anything else than a Count Down to Ignition!
I have my classes planned for December. All 3 boys will be taking the Apologia High School Course... which means the math portion is beyond Ki. So that part will be optional for him (but I'll tell him to give it a try first)
Here are the online links to the experiments I have added:
Week 1- has 3 experiments in the 'book- so no external experiment links
Week 2:[1] Make GOLD Pennies [2] Exploding Water! [3] Make Smoke Bombs
and as a special treat, I HOPE HOPE HOPE to be able to do the Igniting Steam activity, though the video says it should ONLY be done by Trained Professionals. Moms are trained professionals, right??
Week 3: [1] BREATH FIRE [2] Moving Permanent Molecules (Sharpie Pen ) [3]Gum Drop Molecules
Week 4: DVDs(netflix & Library) and they can find their own experiments to do and teach.
I love when I can teach all 3 boys together! It happens less and less these days.
and if you want to see the whole 'syllabus'- here it is: (using Apologia Chemistry DVD)
Nov 29 (Mon) CLASS
· Start with Experiments 1.1 & 1.2
· Have them define MATTER in their notebooks. Have them tell what the experiments showed. Air has MASS and takes up SPACE.
· (notes) Units of Measurement. Examples curtains 50x60. Mars Climate Orbiter. in science the standard set of units for measurement is the Metric System.
· (notes)The Metric System. units of mass are grams. For example, the mass of this course (including both CDs, the case, and the instructions) is about 120 grams. COPY Table 1.1 into notebooks.
Nov 30 (tues) CLASS
· (notes) Manipulating Units. Copy Table.
· (notes) Converting Between Tables. Teach thi s age. Do some problems. define: factor-label method. Watch Video.
· On Your Own- done as oral quiz.
· Converting between units of measurement. Have Ki try, but he can leave to go read if he wants. OYO. (on paper)
· For C&K- More Complex Unit Conversions. Use Calculators after a few without. OYO. On Paper.
Dec 1 (Wed) C&G + Class
· [C&G ]Derived Units. do on their own. Copy Sample. Watch Video.
· [C&G ]OYO- write score in notebook.
· Do the Making Measurements with actual ruler & graduated cylinder- NOT as notes/reading.
· (notes) Accuracy, Precision. Significant Figures. Example. OYO. on paper.
Dec 2 (Thurs)
· (notes) Accuracy, precision, significant figures (2). 6 cookies at 5 calories how much really?
· (notes) Scientific Notation. Go Through Examples. OYO (Opt for Ki)
· (notes) Using Scientific Notation in math
· Experiment 1.3
Dec 3 (Fri)
ü Finish Module. OYO. Hand out Practice Problems. Make sure Ki is not worried about the math part. Test on Monday.
Dec 6 (Mon)
Dec 7 (Tues)
· Go Over Tests
· Module 2: Experiment 2.1 - Read Energy & Heat (notes)
Dec 8 (Wed)
· (notes) Nature of the Scientific Law. First Law of Thermodynamics (video). Units for measuring heat energy.
· Draw Figure 2.1 in notes
· ZENDO- science vernacular
Dec 9 (Thur)
· Science Zendo
· Units for Measuring Heat 2 & 3 w/ OYO-p. Ki-optional for math.
· http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/gold-pennies
· http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/exploding-water-in-the-microwave
Dec 10 (fri)
· http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9uvIhgVz04&feature=player_embedded
· (Notes) Calorie Unit. Measuring Heat. OYO-o
· http://video.about.com/chemistry/How-to-Make-a-Smoke-Bomb.htm
Dec13 (mon)
· http://video.about.com/chemistry/How-to-Breathe-Fire.htm
· Calorimetry videos.
· Exp 2.2 Write-Up
· Measuring Heat 4. OYO-p
· Conclusion
Dec 14 (Tues)
ü Do Practice Problems
ü Finish Writing any Lab Reports
Dec 15 (Wed)
o TEST @ Panera
o Sharpie Pen Science http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000032
Dec 16 (thur)
· Early Attempts to Understand Matter. Law of Mass Conservation
· Experiment 3.1. Lab Report.
· Law of Mass Conservation 2. OYO-p
Dec 17 (Fri)
· Elements- The Basic Building Blocks of Matter. OYO-oral(answer cards)
· Compounds. OYO (answer cards)
· Gum Drop Compounds: http://www.sciencefairadventure.com/Candy_Molecules.aspx
Dec 20-23(Mon-Thurs)
· The Law of Multiple Proportions. Dalton’s Atomic Theory.
· DVDs from Netflicks and Library