Philippians 4:13 says; "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
But I just can't do All things at once. I sit here typing and wishing I could knit while I type. I was folding towels earlier and wishing I could write lesson plans while folding laundry. I often wish I could read a book while taking a shower. And to be able to knit, read, shower, fold laundry, and check the boys math ALL AT ONCE....... that would be amazing!! Priceless even.
But for now I am stuck justing doing 1 or 2 things at once. Luckily I can mentally plan out 3-4 other things in the process so I feel feel like just getting the laundry put away is a little more time efficient.
and yet, my house always seems to be a few steps behind.
Monday, Brian took the day off work to drive his parents to the Airport.I really forget what all we did with the rest of the day. I took the Connor & Ki to Acting Class. I thought Connor was feeling better, but he was worse when he woke up Tuesday.
Brian had a some medical stuff on Wed. I went with him. Then took Ki to acting while Brian took Connor to the doctors.
Between Brian being home during the week and Connor not feeling well, school has fallen by the wayside this week. And now Ki seems to be coming down with whatever Connor has.
I need to spend some time planning for next week. Failing to Plan is just like Planning to Fail in this house.
Ki is going to make French Toast for breakfast tomorrow. He said he wants to make dinner for the Rabes (a family/friends from church). He is going to make Pumpkin Cheese Cake for Thanksgiving. We had a talk earlier this week about our passions and our abilities and our goals in life.... and MATH. Basically we talked about finding out what we are good at and enjoy and working to be better at it. G&C are good in math and Science. Ki's strengths and loves like not in anything "Scholastic" but in cooking and acting. So that is where he should be going with his schooling. He thinks he'd like to learn about William Shakespeare and lead some Improv Classes for the homeschool kids. he also wants to cook more for our friends- having them over for food and games. I think Ki'd real passion is people. Getting to know people and help them. Acting Classes help him see and understand people, get a chance to pretend to be someone else and see things through their eyes. Cooking brings people together. Ki has always cared about people. Praying for people. Giving to people.
One of my jobs is to help him use his passions and strengths to "get an education". Homeschooling to his abilities and interests.
and now it is time to clean some more. And knit. And read. And lesson plan. And make dinner.
I have to say that even though I've never met him, I really like Ki! I think he is an amazing kid.
I hope everyone's colds are short-lived.
Yummy. Pumpkin cheesecake sounds delicious. And Ki's wanting to share his talents is wonderful.
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