Today I picked two avocados and placed them in the window sill to ripen.
The beds are ready for our guests. The towels have been washed. The floors swept.
Soksey decided he likes Ki's bed in our room and has been sleeping there most the day.
Brian's parents and grandfather arrive later today. Brian arrives later this evening; around midnight. My van needs a new battery. Yesterday while at the 2nd pet store looking for pinkies for Connor's snake, the van battery died. No lights had been left on or doors open or anything. It died under the same circumstances last week. twice. I didn't have my cell phone with me as it was home charging. Brian was in Colorado. It took an hour before I found someone to jumpstart the van battery. Then the darn snake didn't even eat!
I need to run to the Post Office to mail a Birthday Card. I'll atually bike, not run.
I'm getting excited about After Christmas. We will have 2 exchange students from Japan. Then it's a new year! My new calendar should be coming in the mail soon! We'll be starting new school session. That's always fun!!!
Wow! What an exciting development!
I can see why After Christmas is even more exciting for your family than is the day itself.
Have fun getting ready.
I can hardly wait to read about your exchange student adventures!
Hi there! I love the Pismo pics. I would love to come to Cali and enjoy the beach right now. Let me know about your exchange student adventure. My oldest son is going to Japan for an internship next summer and we are so excited for him. He's in his 3rd semester of Japanese.
Take care!
Oh I love avacodo's and fresh clean towels and riding my bike to do errands, and new calendars. But I don't like when the car breaks right before Christmas...or snakes!
I love beginnings.
Sorry I did not get here until now to comment. I tried but my computer is messed up somehow.
I loved the pictures of Pismo beach. It's great seeing you have a nice time there. The boys look like they are really enjoying the water.
I love avocados, Mmmmm I can't wait to hear how they tasted.
Now for the students after Christmas. It's great you're having them there. When I was growing up we would have either students or 'flyboys' on the holidays because they could not go home. Never had anyone from Japan, but my father spent weeks there for his job. Can't wait to hear your account of your time then.
Hey! Great blog! What calendar system do you use? I just started a new one and was wondering if it is the same. (Taylor in Time?) Blessings, ~J
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