I have been working on Ki's Syllabus. I wanted to have a Syllabus for J-Term to give each boy.
I just need to get Ki's Church History book from Amazzon so I can finish his planning and syllabus.
Here is what I have so far. I'll just add the Church History when I get the book.
Ki’s J-Term Syllabus January 2009
Ki, for J-Term you have Chosen Church History as your 2 hour class. For 2 of your 45 minutes classes you have chosen Peoples of the World and Theatre. In addition you will have 30 minutes of Daily Reading. I dropped math and extended your 2 chosen 30 minute classes to 45 minutes.
Here is our general daily schedule. (Subject to change as needed, but we’ll try to be consistent)
9:00-9:45 Church History
10:00-10:45 Church History
11-11:30 Church History
12:30-1:15 Peoples or Theatre
1:30-2:15 Theatre or Peoples
Reading Done by 3 for Computer Time
Jan 16, Jan 19, ½ Day Jan 23, Jan 26
Tuesday PE Days:
9:00-9:45 Church History
10:00-10:45 Church History
Jan 6 and 20 -we will come home after PE and Finish School
Jan 13 and 27 -You can stay and play if you pre-arrange it.
5:50 on Tuesdays- Gymnastics
Ki’s J-Term : SYLLABUS of Class by Weeks
WEEK 1Church History:
Peoples of the World: North America
Theatre: Introduction, Warm Up Exercises, Terms
Church History:
Peoples of the World: South America
Theatre: Improv, watch Danny Kaye, miming
WEEK 3Church History:
Peoples of the World: aSIA
Theatre: Set, Props, Costume
Church History:
Peoples of the World: finish Asia , Review, Make Meals
Theatre: History of Theatre, Practice our Skit, Famous actors and writers.