We are having a mini vacation in Corona, CA. Where it is about 105 degrees with to much humidity.
We are staying with gaming friends so we can attend one of thier game nights before we move.
Brian got his orders Wednesday for our move; meaning he had a meeting on base at 1:15. Meaning we hit rush hour traffic. Meaning we got to our friends house late.
We played 3 quick games with out friends. We taught them Gang of Four and 10 Days in Africa.
They got out 7 Wonders and taught us that. It was fun, but will be bettr next time when I play it next time.
Brian and I are playing a new game. Starship Catan.

Brian painted my nails. Actually I painted them pink, then he drew on them with a Sharpie Marker.
Tonight is Game Night. I have peppermint patties and nails to match my shirt tonight.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad from Corona