I don't really 'do' Christmas Cards. But I like to make coupon cards for my boys each year.
here are the coupons I made for them this year.
• Starbuck’s with mom
• ½ hour computer time. 5 uses. 1 per week limit.
• 1 hour computer time. 4 uses. 1 per month.
• Good for One (1) batch of cookies
• Night of Favorites. ~ Dinner ~ Dessert ~Games (family)
• No Morning Chores. 5 uses. 1 per week limit.
• Lunch Date with mom.
• 2 hours activity with mom. Your Choice.
No more Lesson plans to write. No more tests to grade. No longer are my boys my homeschool students. I am changing out of my homeschool hat into my personal hobbies hat. Gardening, fitness, photography, part time employment.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Signed Up (J Term #5)
The only JTerm update from today is that I got Ki signed up for a cooking class the the Central Coast Culinary School. Just 1 class. They are not cheap, LOL. I should have thought of this earlier and gotten him gift certificates for the Culinary School for Christmas.
He also plans on volunteering there. He has to go to his first class first, though.
He is excited about his class. It's a Healthy Cooking with Trader Joe's class. Easy, Healthy Entrees and snacks. I think they will teach 12 recipes.
He also plans on volunteering there. He has to go to his first class first, though.
He is excited about his class. It's a Healthy Cooking with Trader Joe's class. Easy, Healthy Entrees and snacks. I think they will teach 12 recipes.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Culinary Syllabus (J-Term post #4)
Here's Ki's Syllabus for Culinary Arts Class. I am trying/hoping to arrange a field trip to a nearby culinary school for him, but it's not on the sylabus, as it's confirmed yet. Ki likes to have a schedule of events & lessons. I like to make syllabi for himm during J-term (a little facier than the weekly lists I make for him the rest of the year) The last half is more open ended as Ki will be able to make some choices by then, about what things he wants to do for the class.
SOME GOAL: Planning & cooking a formal dinner, learning gourmet techniques, learning cooking terms, setting a proper table, have a cooking-ready kitchen, knowing about nutrition and cooking safety, knowing some culinary history.
Culinary Arts class will be held in 2 sessions. Session A is will be about history and culture of foods. It will be from 9:15 to 10:15AM. Session B will be more hands-on and will focus more on modern culinary. It will be from 10:40 to 11:40AM.
• Make a simple timeline with note cards.
• Ancient Techniques. Salting, Pickling, dried, stewing, smoking.
• Ancient dishes: Breads, barley porridge, stewed figs, soups.
• Choose an ancient dish to make.
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Culinary, Gourmet, Garnish
• SIGN LANGUAGE: cook, kitchen, bake, eat, cut, bread
• Watch YOUTUBE or other culinary videos on garnishes.
• Practice your own garnishes with mom.
• Homework think of who to invite to your gourmet meal. Suggestions: Mom & Dad. A Friend from church or homeschool group. James & Haley.
• Foods Mentioned in the Bible
• Practice Sign Language. Add more words; milk, honey, grow, fish, grapes, meat
• TimeLine reading
• Make Invitations
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• Cooking Tools: Start a notebook with pictures and definitions
• Garnish. Learn and Do
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Well-Stocked Kitchen
• Print List, Check Pantry, Go Shopping
• Stock & Organize Pantry
• ASL- Shop, Buy, Organize, Shelf,
• Food Time Line
• Map
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• Cooking Tools: Start a notebook with pictures and definitions
• Garnish. Learn and Do
• Food Time Line
• Map
• Food Nutrition
• Make Lunch Menu for 6 days
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• ASL practice
• Cooking Tools: Start a notebook with pictures and definitions
• Find a technique to learn & do
• Nutrition
• Foods of France
• Famous Chefs
• ASL. Practice & New words: health, vitamins, vegetarian, exercise,
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Cooking Safety
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• Cooking Tools: notebook with pictures and definitions
• Find a technique to learn & Practice
• Nutrition
• Foods of China
• Dining Rituals
• Famous Restaurants
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research Gourmet Recipes. Start a list.
• YouTube setting a table.
• Learn a New Technique.
• Time Line
• Note Cards
• Famous Culinary Schools
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research Gourmet Recipes. Add to list.
• Plan Dinner for Sunday.
• Learn a New Technique.
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• ASL Practice. New words- napkins, messy, clean, fold
DAY 10
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research More Gourmet Meals/Recipe. Add to List
• Napkin Folding
DAY 11
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
• Choose a Famous Meal for later.
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research More Gourmet Meals/Recipe. Start Choosing your Meals.
• ASL Practice & new words. List, Microwave, Fancy
• Start your Grocery List & Recipe List(in WORD)by category
DAY 12
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
• Make a Recipe/grocery List for your Famous Meal.
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research More garnishing techniques.
• Visit Grocery Story for Layout
• Work on your list so it reflects the store’s layout
DAY 13
• Time Line
• ASL Practice
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Make your Menu
• Practice Garnish Techniques
DAY 14
• Time Line
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Make your Menu
• Practice Garnish Techniques
DAY 16 ~~TEST~~ & Grocery Shopping
SOME GOAL: Planning & cooking a formal dinner, learning gourmet techniques, learning cooking terms, setting a proper table, have a cooking-ready kitchen, knowing about nutrition and cooking safety, knowing some culinary history.
Culinary Arts class will be held in 2 sessions. Session A is will be about history and culture of foods. It will be from 9:15 to 10:15AM. Session B will be more hands-on and will focus more on modern culinary. It will be from 10:40 to 11:40AM.
• Make a simple timeline with note cards.
• Ancient Techniques. Salting, Pickling, dried, stewing, smoking.
• Ancient dishes: Breads, barley porridge, stewed figs, soups.
• Choose an ancient dish to make.
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Culinary, Gourmet, Garnish
• SIGN LANGUAGE: cook, kitchen, bake, eat, cut, bread
• Watch YOUTUBE or other culinary videos on garnishes.
• Practice your own garnishes with mom.
• Homework think of who to invite to your gourmet meal. Suggestions: Mom & Dad. A Friend from church or homeschool group. James & Haley.
• Foods Mentioned in the Bible
• Practice Sign Language. Add more words; milk, honey, grow, fish, grapes, meat
• TimeLine reading
• Make Invitations
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• Cooking Tools: Start a notebook with pictures and definitions
• Garnish. Learn and Do
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Well-Stocked Kitchen
• Print List, Check Pantry, Go Shopping
• Stock & Organize Pantry
• ASL- Shop, Buy, Organize, Shelf,
• Food Time Line
• Map
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• Cooking Tools: Start a notebook with pictures and definitions
• Garnish. Learn and Do
• Food Time Line
• Map
• Food Nutrition
• Make Lunch Menu for 6 days
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• ASL practice
• Cooking Tools: Start a notebook with pictures and definitions
• Find a technique to learn & do
• Nutrition
• Foods of France
• Famous Chefs
• ASL. Practice & New words: health, vitamins, vegetarian, exercise,
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Cooking Safety
• TERMS write on note cards: Add 3-4 Vocabulary Cards
• Cooking Tools: notebook with pictures and definitions
• Find a technique to learn & Practice
• Nutrition
• Foods of China
• Dining Rituals
• Famous Restaurants
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research Gourmet Recipes. Start a list.
• YouTube setting a table.
• Learn a New Technique.
• Time Line
• Note Cards
• Famous Culinary Schools
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research Gourmet Recipes. Add to list.
• Plan Dinner for Sunday.
• Learn a New Technique.
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• ASL Practice. New words- napkins, messy, clean, fold
DAY 10
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research More Gourmet Meals/Recipe. Add to List
• Napkin Folding
DAY 11
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
• Choose a Famous Meal for later.
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research More Gourmet Meals/Recipe. Start Choosing your Meals.
• ASL Practice & new words. List, Microwave, Fancy
• Start your Grocery List & Recipe List(in WORD)by category
DAY 12
• Food Time Line & Note Cards
• Famous Meals
• Make a Recipe/grocery List for your Famous Meal.
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Research More garnishing techniques.
• Visit Grocery Story for Layout
• Work on your list so it reflects the store’s layout
DAY 13
• Time Line
• ASL Practice
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Make your Menu
• Practice Garnish Techniques
DAY 14
• Time Line
[B SESSION] Modern Culinary
• Make your Menu
• Practice Garnish Techniques
DAY 16 ~~TEST~~ & Grocery Shopping
CULINARY ARTS (J-term post 3) *updated morelinks
CULINARY ARTS: Idea List & Links
TERMS: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/culinary-terms.html Pick out some terms for vocabulary/Spelling. (for the whole month)
INVITE? Think about inviting a friend to your dinner party. If so, make an invitation and mail it.
KITCHEN: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/kitchenstaples.html & http://www.menus4moms.com/articles/pantry_list.php learn about a well stocked kitchen. Also some organizing of the pantry/cupboard and actually Stocking Our Pantry! (List Making & Shopping) (week 1)
GARNISHES & Techniques: learn some fancy garnish & Cooking techniques , research recipes(week 1,2,3. This is the bulk of the class) *proper tools & safety
Safety: http://www.premiersystems.com/recipes/kitchen-safety/cooking-safety.html
Knife Skills: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/knifeskillsforgourmetcooking.html
Napkin Folding: http://www.napkinfoldingguide.com/
http://www.gourmandia.com/Napkin_fold_pliage_serviettes.php & YouTube
Tools: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/kitchenutensilsandappliances.html
NUTRITION: Learn about Food Pyramids & Balanced Meals (week 2)
HISTORY: learn a little culinary history/culinary from different countries. http://www.foodtimeline.org/food1.html (Week 3)
Obama’s Inaugural luncheon: http://inaugural.senate.gov/documents/doc-2009-recipes.pdf
Famous Meals: http://famousrecipes.wordpress.com/category/meals/ http://www.collectiblemeals.com/library.php quiz- http://www.funtrivia.com/trivia-quiz/History/Famous-Meals-from-History-296660.html
SETTING for a formal dinner: http://www.essortment.com/lifestyle/howsetformald_sjro.htm http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/4671654/set-table-holiday-dinner-main_Full.jpg & http://www.howcast.com/videos/578-How-To-Set-a-Classic-Dinner-Table Practice & Plan a fancy set table to go with your fancy dinner. (week 3)
MAKING a Grocery List: compare what’s stocked in the kitchen to what’s on the recipe list. The write your list according to the store layout; all produce together, all canned goods together, etc.(Week 3)
Grocery list generators: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=5&oq=grocery++list&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4RNTN_enUS335US336&q=grocery+list+generator
SHOP, PRINT, COOK: Print out your menus, make your grocery list, Choose some background music, make ahead anything that can be made ahead, shop, cook, serve, clean.
TERMS: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/culinary-terms.html Pick out some terms for vocabulary/Spelling. (for the whole month)
INVITE? Think about inviting a friend to your dinner party. If so, make an invitation and mail it.
KITCHEN: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/kitchenstaples.html & http://www.menus4moms.com/articles/pantry_list.php learn about a well stocked kitchen. Also some organizing of the pantry/cupboard and actually Stocking Our Pantry! (List Making & Shopping) (week 1)
GARNISHES & Techniques: learn some fancy garnish & Cooking techniques , research recipes(week 1,2,3. This is the bulk of the class) *proper tools & safety
Safety: http://www.premiersystems.com/recipes/kitchen-safety/cooking-safety.html
Knife Skills: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/knifeskillsforgourmetcooking.html
Napkin Folding: http://www.napkinfoldingguide.com/
http://www.gourmandia.com/Napkin_fold_pliage_serviettes.php & YouTube
Tools: http://www.how-to-cook-gourmet.com/kitchenutensilsandappliances.html
NUTRITION: Learn about Food Pyramids & Balanced Meals (week 2)
HISTORY: learn a little culinary history/culinary from different countries. http://www.foodtimeline.org/food1.html (Week 3)
Obama’s Inaugural luncheon: http://inaugural.senate.gov/documents/doc-2009-recipes.pdf
Famous Meals: http://famousrecipes.wordpress.com/category/meals/ http://www.collectiblemeals.com/library.php quiz- http://www.funtrivia.com/trivia-quiz/History/Famous-Meals-from-History-296660.html
SETTING for a formal dinner: http://www.essortment.com/lifestyle/howsetformald_sjro.htm http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/4671654/set-table-holiday-dinner-main_Full.jpg & http://www.howcast.com/videos/578-How-To-Set-a-Classic-Dinner-Table Practice & Plan a fancy set table to go with your fancy dinner. (week 3)
MAKING a Grocery List: compare what’s stocked in the kitchen to what’s on the recipe list. The write your list according to the store layout; all produce together, all canned goods together, etc.(Week 3)
Grocery list generators: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=5&oq=grocery++list&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4RNTN_enUS335US336&q=grocery+list+generator
SHOP, PRINT, COOK: Print out your menus, make your grocery list, Choose some background music, make ahead anything that can be made ahead, shop, cook, serve, clean.
SEWING CLASS (J-term post 2)
Ki has requested to add SEWING to his J-term Schedule (of Culinary Arts & Math). I told him we can do that. I plan on taking 2-3 days a week to teach different techniques & terms and then 1 day a week having Ki teach it to a friend. I am planning on 3 small sewing projects and wondered if there was a homeschool student in our group who would like to join us. (I’m not sure yet as to what Ki’s 4th week will be) It’ll work best if we just have 1 person join us per project. (So 1 child for all 3 classes or 3 different applicants/1 per class)
THEN, Connor decided he wanted to take sewing class. I will try to make his class 5 days a week (1 day a teaching class) and Ki's 3 days a week, plus teaching on Saturday.
Here is a list of what the sewing classes will be: (my simple syllabus at the end)
Appliqué Techniques: I think this will be a pouch, big enough for a small to medium book, which can be hung on a bedpost or doorknob. Techniques Studied in this Class: Appliqué Techniques, sewing with ribbon, variant on the pocket, general sewing.
Gathers & Pockets: An Apron most likely. This can be taken by a boy, too, though Aprons are generally girl things. We can make ‘girly aprons’ to give as presents. Techniques Studied in this Class: Making Gathers, Making Pockets, Top-stitching, general Machine sewing
Zippers & Buttons: Not sure the project, but we’ll be doing Zippers & Button (& the button holes) and we’ll finish up with some Sewing Machine Maintenance.

I decided to commit to blogging regularly about our J-Term experience this year. So here's the start: (written last week)
When I was in High school we had J-Term. each January we just took 2 classes. One in the morning and 1 after lunch. We got to choose our classes (there were a couple required classes, though). I loved J-Term! Switching between 5-6 classes every day was never fun. It always seemd the classes I liked always ended just as they were getting fun, the I'd have to go to a class I didn''t like. And then all that mental changing back and forth for each class. I loved getting to spend half the day on subject. I loved getting to take fun subjects like Astronomy or Speed Reading.
I did J-Term with my students (my boys) last year and it was a big hit! They look forward to doing it this year and have asked to do something like J Term a couple times a year- so I think this year we will do J-Term and May-Term.
This morning I compiled the list of classes from which the boys will choose. Last year Gavin & Connor did 2 classes that were 2 hours each and daily reading. Ki did one class that was 1.5 hours annd 2 classes that were 45ish minutes each. The 1.5 hour class was broken into 3 sectons. Ki still struggles with focus so having a 1.5 hour class was a really big deal & knew the only way he could get through it was t break it up. He did very well! He had chosen Church History for his Long class last year.
Last year I wrote a sperate list for each, mainly for Ki to hve a diffrent list. This year I wrote one list for all of them as Ki is ready to have more of the same things on list as Gavin and Connor.
here is their list I typed for them:
J-Term is quickly approaching. During the month of January you will have 2 classes of your choosing that 2 hours long each. There will also be a Creative Writing Class that is mandatory and there will be some sort of project that your dad is in charge of doing with you.
J-Term: Choose 2 of the following
o Algebra 1 (C & K)
o Algebra 2 (C & G)
o Astronomy
o Chemistry
o Church History
o Computer Programming/CAD
o Culinary Arts
o Geology
o Geometry
o History- American Wars
o History – World War 1
o Life of Fred (K only)
o Marine Biology (Life in the Ocean)
o Mythology
o Photography
o Physics
o Robotics/Electrical Engineering
0 Sewing
o World Culture
I was really hoping for 1 of them to take either Mythology or Photography last year and no oone did. I bet no one willl this year either. Maybe for May Term I'll do Mythology as a group required class.
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