Sunday, November 1, 2009


Highlighter + Pens + Planning Calendar + Notebooks = A Great Afternoon! I emailed schooling tasks to G&C. I made a Study Guide in Connor's science notebook based on his CD-Rom lessons this week. Ki's list in in a small handheld notebook. on Monday-Thursday I left space at the bottom of each page and told him to draw a picture. Some were specific (like favorite snack or an alien) and some not. Friday he's to choose one of his drawings about which to write a detailed description.

With blue & yellow highlighters I marked weeks of school and vacation. School for the first 3 weeks of November. No School last week of Nov -1st week of Dec. School for weeks 2&3 of Dec. No School until Jan 4. Then 4 weeks J-Term followed by a week off.

Brian marked the days off work in purple for the rest of the year.
Connor & Gavin's list are a lot of "Weekly Goals". So no specifics for daily work as long as it's all done before Saturday.

here's Connor's:

Read -whatever you think is a good amount
Math- do something towards your weekly goal
Science- work on weekly Goal
Research- work on weekly goal.
S.A.T. Daily Question.

Math- learn 8 topics
Science- Fill in Notes in your notebook (do through experiment 1.4 )
Research- turn your research into an outline
Make a Christmas Wish List

Gavin is in charge of making dinner Friday.
In the Mornings I 'll be reading the Bible Passage of the week and alernating Story of the World and Geography Mind Builer Questions.

1 comment:

katjandu said...

What's for dinner Friday?


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