I healed well, although slowly, from my major abdominal surgery in 2012.
Ki developed sudden onset idiopathic scoliosis in late fall of 2012, was officially DXed January 2013, wore a painful night brace for about 10 months until the scoliosis had progressed enough to warrant surgery despite his religious use of the brace. he has major back surgery to fuse his spine and insert rods on December 20, 2013.

he one month left for the sleek black daytime brace. He returned to work 2 weeks ago. He works part time at Steak and Shake.
he is 17 now.
Gavin is 20 and finishing his 2nd & final year at Sinclair Community College. He was referred for a paid internship working on base and plans to join ROTC (Air Force) while attending Wright State University this fall.
Connor is 19 and doing very well at his first year at Siniclair. getting As, taking Calculus (and all the regular Freshman classes), and enjoying the learning process.
I work part time at a Healthfood store and continue to homeschool Ki. He does most his own schooling now, I just keep him focused and moving forward.
I lost the weight I gained from my tumor and eating too much while living in Cali. I started eating on the Paleo Plan 2 weeks ago, as a trial. I think I will continue.
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