Thursday, September 25, 2008

Walk with me to the Coffee Shop (2)

To see the pictures/read the entry for the 1st post of pictures on the walk to the coffee shop click HERE-Part 1 this is just a 2 part post.

Some people use trees and bushes for their walls/fences.

A house along the walk. It's big- so is the yard.

Another house with lots of plants and flowers. The have plum trees, orange trees and lots of flowering cacti in the back.

The Coffee Shop I walk to once a week. It is next to the library. This is also the route we take to the Farmer's Market. But this is about 2/3 the way there.

Can you see the muntains? every street you are on here in town you can pretty mcu see mountains in the background. It's mountains all 3 sides and the ocean to the West.


Anonymous said...

I was born in San Luis Obispo (but live in Oregon now), and the pictrues of the dry mountains reminds me of there. :D ... I was actually 5 when we left there, but I have visited San Luis Obispo in 1983 (I was 12), and again in 1992 (I was 21).

Kendra Allegra said...

Okay, I'm officially jelous. One day I would love to be able to walk to a coffe shop from home and not just from across the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Wow Keeter, it's so beautiful there! The sky is so blue! And I love your mountians in the distance.

It's neat to see a little piece of Keeter's world. You're inspired me. Soon I'll have to do the same. But I pass no houses on my walk. Oh, maybe one. It will be a lot different from your post.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are fantastic!

katjandu said...

I'm glad you are in facebook, will you send me an invite so I can see too? I saw Erik in facebook, so is Lindsey and Tuesday. I'll send you an email to say something else.
I love the walk to Coffee Diem, thanks for taking me along.

Moby Dick said...

That looks like a cool place to live!

Darcy @ m3b said...

Oh man, palm trees, cacti and mountain. And you can actually walk somewhere... anywhere! What a cool place to live.

We live in a forest, about 20 min drive from anywhere. It would take me 3 days to walk to a coffee shop!

You live in a beautiful part of the country!


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