Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The 2 that Ki are doing are fine. partly because I am reading it with him and we do the questions together.

The ones that Gavin and Connor are doing are awful. I'm sorry, They are just awful. It's like useless memorization of exact words. It's just rote memory. And very, very wordy. Very much unnecessarily so- to the point it bores and confuses.

But it did show me a weakness in Gavin's reading. He hasn't read outloud forever. He does fine with 'reading for fun' books, but has always struggled with 'reading to retain information' stuff. I thought breaking into smaller pieces would work. I tell him to just read one page at a time and see what questions he can answer after just reading the one page.

I had him read outloud. He gets to a big word, sees the first 3 letters and makes a wild guess- STILL, at 15 yrs old. And then he has no idea what they are talking about. it's something you can get away with when reading Science Fiction. If I have him read it again and read the entire word- he gets 2/3 the way through the big word and takes another guess. Then I tell him to read that word, look at each letter and finally he'll read it with all the letters and get what the word is.

But, I really do no like their ACE books. I do, however, plan on doing these PACS we have. Though they are boring and wordy, they all wanted to try something 'curriculum like' and all planned out and there for them to do. And I think that it'll be good for them. Half the stuff in adult life is boring and wordy and they'll need to know how to deal with it.


Anonymous said...

What are ACE books?

Maddy said...

This is why I could never homeschool. I have no patience. Mine also reads the first three letters and then takes a wild leap!

By the by - 'coming down like stair rods' refers to very heavy rain. In the olden days people had stair carpet sometimes. To keep them in place rather than nailing them down they used metal rods in the corner of the 'L' shape to keep them in place. They were usually about 3 foot long, the same width of the stair.

Hope that helps?


katjandu said...

I had to laugh when you said adult life is boring and wordy at times. That's for sure.

I used ACE but I had used something else before that and it was worse than ACE so ACE looked good to me.

Thunder Ruler said...
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Thunder Ruler said...

Ha i guess i do do the some time LOL.....
the only problem was you had me read outloud i have not done that in front of you for well over a year.
And you had me remeber 4-5 lines after i read them 3!! times just 3!
i forgot a word or two and you got mad "GAVIN JUST REMEBER THE 4 LINES YOU ALLREADY READ IT 3 TIMES." said mom
But you are right i need to remeber stuff...

Falcon out.


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