Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Dynasty (the 14 yr old) arrived last night. She and her dad ate dinner with us; a Taco Buffet that Brian made all my himself (I did the rice and beans). We all played a card game. Dynasty was showing Gavin her math. She's a math brain ike Gavin. We all sat and talked about school. She asked about how long it takes- when the boys are done. So we calculated. (we don't do consistant times). Then had to explain why it doesn't as long. Then the kids all had Swiss Miss, she packed her lunch for today and went to bed. Dynasty is really nice.

Brian was up at 6:45 to take her to school. I think they left the house at 7:15. I was in bed still. Connor was up the whole time- he's like that. He got all his morning chores done and by the time I woke up at 8:10 (I forgot to set my alarm I like to get up at 7:30- probably should have just gotten up with Brian)- Connor was done and playing his morning computer.

Ki slept in till 8:15.

I called Gavin at 8:40 and he got up and showered.

It's a slow starting day.

at 9 we did our memory verse work together (while Gavin ate breakfast- since he slept in later then the rest).

We talked about what we are doing today and when I'd be doing 1-on-1 work. I got them started on independent work and took my shower.

Our water bill will be astronomical this month. Brian has been watering the yard, front and back, pretty much daily- then the 5 of us showering (C&K just every other day) and Dynasty......

I Frenched Braided my hair after my shower today. I won't have to wash it tomorrow now.

Gavin was printing his papers from his Political Party Research and the printer ran out of ink.

Can't find Ki's clay for his Ocean Box. I'll ride to Staples today and buy ink and clay. And Albertson's for Flour- or Von's. And a ride to the Farmer's Market. (no staples and only rode tothe farmers market- it triggered my headache.)

They boys did their independent work. (or are doing it as I type). I need to go hang laundry.

after school they dug outside in the dirt for a couple hours. Then we went to Gymnastics. Had to stop at the store on the way home for flour to make banana bread. Got home around 7:30. had some kettle corn and Dynasty was interested in playing a game. it was 8 by the time we got started, took a few minutes to explain and get set up, then next thing you know it's 8:30 and Dynasty has to take a shower and go to bed. so we had to pause the game after only a couple rounds.

Dynasty is a really sweet girl and very responsible. I'm glad my kids don't leave all day for school and I barely get to see them in the evenings.



Stacie said...

I'm glad things are going well with Dynasty.

It seems weird to pay for water. Now I remember that when we rented in town we would have had to if it were not in the contract that the landlord would cover that. Here we hae an abundance of free water. (Just ask the frogs).

I wish I could french braid my own hair. My sister used to do it for me when we were teenagers.

My laundry hanging days are over until spring. Audie took the clothes line down so it's not in the way when we throw wood in the basement. We have about 6 inches of snow right now.

Today I'm having a "My life would be so much easier if Levi went to school" day. But you're right, it would be sad to only see him for a few hours in the evening.

I'm just tired. Audie has been working all week (day and night) restoring people's electricity. And it's tiring having to do everything all by myself.

Anonymous said...

That ocean box thing sounds like fun! ... Can you show us a picture of the finished product? I think my kids would enjoy doing something like that. :D

katjandu said...

I'm so thankful you have your boys at home to teach. I think it is good for the boys to see what it would be like for them to attend school away from home. And what it would be like to have a sister, sort of.
Enjoy yourself.

Anonymous said...

I have given you an award! Stop by my site and see... Have a blessed weekend,


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