Friday, April 13, 2012


We have survived our first 3 days on our own!

(to read about days 1 & 2 click the following links: Day 1
Day 2

We had a relaxing day filled with computer time and knitting. Well, the knitting was just me.

We are maintaining our liquid diet. Tomorrow will be our last day, then it is back to solid foods on Sunday!!

We did some housecleaning and exercises. Ki challenged me to 40 walking lunges and I challenged him to 14 'Hip Drops'.

We played cards after dinner. I enjoyed a lovely gourmet dinner of juicer from my juicer. It contained a pear, 3/4 an apple, strawberries, blackberries, ginger, 2 small carrots, and ginger. Ki and I have enjoyed playing games after dinner.

Today we also went for a walk. It was chilly I told Ki to grab a jacket and he chose my paisley cloak. He also snagged my crocs for his feet, but I took them back. So he went sock-footed. with a cape.

**Connor asks for pictures of Socksey every day. Here is today's picture:

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Socks and a cape...LOL.

How sweet that Connor asks for pix of his cat everyday!


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