Thursday, March 22, 2012

Random Conversation

Most Conversations here are random, though.

Here is one from a few days ago:

ME (to my boys): "I emailed your schoolwork to you, so read it. If you have any questions, just ask me."

Gavin: " What if we have half of a question?"

Me: "Then ask Connor."

Gavin (turning to his brother): "Connor, what is.....?"

Connor; "15"

Gavin; "Nope, wrong. The full question was "what is your age?"

Connor; "And the full answer was "15 plus 2."


I have been busy knitting and sleeping and running errands. not much exciting to share right now.

I would share the newest news about Brian's work move--- but it's lways barely 40% a sure thing and changes week to week, so it'd not be worth my time to write or yours to read.


Jennifer Fink said...

I love kid conversations! Every so often I jot down the gems my boys say -- and I wish I did it more often.

The Man Crew said...

Kiter, you and your boys make me smile. Every. single. day. Thanks for sharing some randomness from your house. :) It reminds me that I'm not the only one with kids that seem to have their own brand of communication, or that my silly answers to their silly questions (or half questions) are more normal than I think, or at least I'm in good company. Either way, I consider it a win/win situation. THANKS
Blessings, ~K~

Becca said...

Funny conversation! Found you via Thirsty Thursday Link-up. I see you homeschool- I was homeschooled as well. Following. :)


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