Friday, February 24, 2012

Frankly it's Friday!

Frankly Speaking-- I forgot to do the Truth Is thing on Thursday.

Frankly Speaking- it was a long day of phonoe conversation on Thursday. It was more like a 'Thirsty for Run- Thursday"
Frankly Speaking- we will go back down to just our own 3 high school boys. Dashnyam is once again not abiding by the rules and his signed contract and is getting moved to a different house.
but I really shouldn't say much, I guess.

Frankly Speaking- my boys hung a Bag of Socks from the ceiling....

And I have a Ninja- he uses a swirling Ninja Star of Destruction to chop things to little pieces!

He used his swirling bladed powers to make Lentil Flour...... half 'fine' and half 'coarse'- so my flour is just 'mildly coarse'....

I will be making Chicken Tikka Masala tonight. and Papdums (lentil wafers), and Kachumber Salad, and maybe Naans....

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Truth Is Thursday

Truth Is..... I laughed when Connor fell in the mud.

*I saw a roll of Bubble Wrap on the side of the road and stopped to get it. WHO can resist a HUGE ROLL of Bubble Wrap???? Connor ran across the street to  retrieve it. It was in the ditch drain along the side of the road, which had a huge mud puddle, which Connor tried to jump, but still landed in, which splashed all up him....
BUT I have a HUGE ROLL of Bubble Wrap now! I had all these GRAND notions of wrapping myself in bubble wrap and rolling around in the back yard. Or laying it ouy flat all over the floor and dancing to loud music.... But my husband came home and said; "Oh, great. We can use than when we are packing to move."


 Truth Is.. I felt like a bad mom when my 15 yr old exclaimed how much fun he had....
See, I decided to make Stain Glass cookies with the boys. They are 15, 17, 18. Ki had a blast crunching candies and making designs and eating the soft sugar cookie witht the crunchy 'stained glass middle'.. The he asked why we have never done this before now.
WHAT?? Had I really NEVER done this my chicldren in the past 18 years?? I culd have sworn I had. I know I had THOUGHT of making them often, but never made the effort.....

Truth Is.... Connor made a Rainbow-Pooping Musical Cat cookie... (Nyan Cat. Look it up on YouTube)

here is the YouTube version...

Truth Is.. it will be Ki's fault when I get fat and lumpy with jiggly thighs....

This time he made French Fries for us. He put freshly ground sea salt and freshly ground pepper on them.

Truth Is..... I am love gaming conventions! We leave tomorrow for a 4 day gaming convention in L.A. I usually run games for a total of 24 hours, this time I am just doing 9 hours. So I have more time to play OTHER GAMES and do other things.

Truth Is.. you need to go to Julianna's blog to read more Truth Is posts... and add your own...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sometimes my children laugh at me...

[Happy Day-Before-Candy-Is-On-Sale-Day]

Often, they laugh at me, actually. But I'm sure it is a good hearted, loving way.

On My way to my doctor appointment I saw something that instantly caught my eye nd I had to pull over and snap a few pictures... I wish I had  more time, but didn't want to be late to my doctor appointment...

here is what I saw that called to me....

Yesterday I pulled over to take pictures of strawberries.....

I was wearing Gavin's sweatshirt jacket the other day. He says to me.
"Hey, you're wearing my jacket!!

I look at him and say
"you are wearing your jacket, too, so it's OK."

I love to say stuff like that to him... He just says "what???" and shakes his head.

Or like the time he came to my room and I was in bed watching a DVD. he asked me what I watching...
I replied with:
"My new Pilates DVD."

That was llast year. He still laughs becuase I was IN BED watching an exercise DVD... instead of DOING the exercises.

I tried to explain to him, that I have to watch a new DVD FIRST so I know what to do... (anandan turn down the volume and not have to listen to the annoying lady while I exercise)- he just doesn't get it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

packed in ice

Gavin: "I can handle it myself"
Me: "O.K. I just didn't want you to cut off a finger."
Gavin:"It's just a finger; I won't die. Besides, the ER is close."
Me: "You'll have to walk, so pack your finger in ice so they can sew it back."

[Gavin trying to make a movie of himself making guacamole, cutting avocados while holding the iPod]

If he succeeds, I will post it later.

I visited a bunch of blogs today and left a bunch of comments. I have been browsing the SITS site.

It always makes me think of hemorrhoids. Those sitz baths things......

I am not even sure what SITS stands for. Possible "Support Is The Secret"-- it's a supporting other bloggers website. (the little pink circle button can be found on my side bar over there --->>>>

They have a Featured Blogger almost daily. It's fun to read new blogs. esp with me being sick in bed for over a week. I was feeling bored today. I know I need to stay in bed doing nothing until I am ALL the WAY well... no running about catching up on errands at 90% better for me.


I was checking my STATS page, it seems my post about the Sketch Class I planned for my boys gets a LOT of views. 26 views this week is a lot for my little blog. It's from 2010. It's not an exciting post. But a well planned out syllabus- if your interested in helping your kids with a little Sketch Class.....
I wonder what KEY WORDS in the Google search pops up my homeschool sketch class post...??

That's all I have for you today. enjoy.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I sit sipping some yummy tea with milk. It is tea we brought bak with us frm India. I follow the instructions and always forget they brew it STRONG so milk can be added. I wanted tea without milk today. Oh we'll. it is very good.
If you want to read about our trip to India (2007) you can read
HERE: My Trip To India

Gavin (18) loves to sketch and draw on the computer. He has a Bamboo Tablet and is teaching himself Blender 3D right now. He has an art account at DEVIANT ART. (chech it out)

He also Live Streams 3 nights a week. (he has a link to his live stream on his Deviant Art Page, you can go there M,F,Sat 8-11PM-PST and watch him draw and chat)
He takes requests.

I requested an IGUANABOT.
This is what he drew for me:

My new friend at LAMBAROUND nominated my blog post. Over a week ago. Had I noot been sick, I would have found out sooner and actually had a link here for you to go vote. You can still click the picture and go read her post, it has other fun blogs nominated you can go read. and then you can pretend you voted for me last week.

Yep, I am sick. I have this latent virus. I got it when I was in high school and was really sick for a year or so. Now that virus lays dormant in my cells and when I get too tired, stressed, etc, it wakes up. It woke up lasst Sunday. I basically just has a nasty cough, myalgia in my upper arms, a sore throat, headache, and of course general lousiness.

every time I get it, my lungs get worse and the coughing is worse annd the breathing is more difficult. I am finding most dogs bother me these days (inside)- even ones I don't notice the smell, still make my chest tight. Cologne Smells and cigarette smells are worse, too.
YEAH for getting old.

My boys are at the mall att at tournament for M:tg. (Magic The Gathering). they have requested 'money jobs' this month. (we don't give theem an allowance, but they can request extra work to earn money)

So, I will have some more Kashmiri Chai and brain storm housework I have been dreading and putting off- and I will pay my kids to do it.

for the LEMAS BREAD POST... in which  Ki  Smiley makes Elven Lembas Bread for a long journey with his fellow LARPers...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Truth Is...Thursday

If it weren't for Julianna and her Thursday Blog Theme, I would have no blog posts the past 3 weeks. I need an easier way to get pictures on my blog from the iPad... or I just need to suck it up and get used to inserting picture in my blog via the PC.

I was nominated for a blog award. a whole week ago. and it is probably too late to get any votes....
But I do have a cool button now! and motivation to make time for blogging....

The area around the PC desk is cluttery and crumb-y. I prefer to avoid it.

I'd clean it, but it's not my mess.

I had a dyslexic dream. My house was getting broken into so I was trying to discreetly dial 911. The numbers on my phone were inverted and I kept dialing 377. It was very frustrating


Ki got to help out in the kitchen of our favorite local Indian restaurant. This is another thing I love about homeschooling. Not that public school kid can't do awesome things like this.. but that it is just so much esier to be able to do these things when home schooling. It is great to be able to give my children lots of experiences and knowledge in the areas they love and thrive. (more proof that homeschooling is for lazy moms)

I walk a fine line between "the need for plans & schedules" and "getting bored easily". I need to have a schedule and to make a plan, but I need to remake them all the time and always have a new one, so I don't get bored. I would be perfectly happy eating the same breakfast and wearing the same outfit every day, but there is no way I can stick to the same exercise routine or same earrings every day.

I was weighed at the doctors yesterday and decided I really do need to get more exercise andd eeat less of whatever new culinary surprise Ki has created.... I don't like exercise classes they bore me. And the At Home DVDs are more boring, though not quite as bad when I keep the sound off. I have a YogaDeck though. and I like it. It has about 30 different cards (each with a differenn yoga pose). I shuffle the deck and draw 5-10 random cards and do those. It keeps me from getting bored.

So I found FITDECK- different themed exercise cards- witht he same concept- shuffle annd draw the amount you want to do.. a different workout each time! AND these are COOLOR CODED! I {HEART} COLOR CODED!!

Now I just need some BLANKS so I can add a few of my own.... like "Bike to Trader Joes"- or - "Bike to Michael's Crafts"

I may need an exercise savings fund if I am biking to Michael's Crafts and Trader Joes on a regular basis.. Hmmmmm.. The Trader Joe one may even defeat the whole purposse of the bike ride.


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