Monday, February 18, 2008

The Green & the Red

We wil be employing the Green/Red Weekly Chart once again. It seems to end up being 'busy work' , but it's what they boys asked for and I figure it's time for a deviation from what we've been doing the past 5 weeks. We wil still start our school days with story reading ( read to them) and Brain Gym and prayer.

Ki asked for a blank page to fill in what he wants to do daily to go along with his weekly chart.
For Example: If his GREEN WORK (go at his own pace, due Saturday) lists 10 Brain Quests, Explode the Code pages 9-15, Finish Cart Frog Power Point, Froggy Fractions page 48-51 and his Red Work (do daily) is Read 30 minutes, Write 15 minutes, Play 5 Beat the Clock games (Times Table Drills)
Then he wants a sepreate page so he can make a schedule as he sees fit: for example he may do:
__ Read 30 minutes
__Write 15 minutes
__ 5 Beat the Clocks
__ 4 Brain Quests
__ Explode the Code pages 9, 10, 11
__ Froggy Fractions page 48

__ Read 30 minutes
__Write 15 minutes
__ 5 Beat the Clocks
__ 4 Brain Quests
__ Explode the Code pages 12, 13, 14
__ Power Point (30 minutes)

__ Read 30 minutes
__Write 15 minutes
__ 5 Beat the Clocks
__ 2 Brain Quests
__ Explode the Code pages 15
__Froggy Fractions page 49, 1/2 of 50
__Power Point 30 minutes

__ Read 30 minutes
__Write 15 minutes
__ 5 Beat the Clocks
__ Froggy Fractions pages 50, 51
__ Finish Power Point

Basically He will write down what he wants to do each day from his list and I will remind him throughout each day to check his list (per his request). Gavin and Connor did fine without much of a reminder.

we have today off (Gov't Holiday).

GREEN WORK is written in green ink on a piece of notebook paper, RED WORK is written in Red ink.
I also write reminders for who has cat little duty and what days to shower. I got tired of telling them to shower daily or on their day so this is much easier. The read their lists and do their stuff.


Stacie said...

Sounds like a good plan. I created a new routine. I got in a little over my head with some unschooling ideas, and it didn't work for us. I need a plan, or nothing gets done. Levi needs a plan, or he gets bored. We don't have to stick to it exactly, but having a framework keeps us on track.

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

An interesting idea. Some things just need to be done at their own pace, and your color-code takes that into account. Other things just need to get done. Like cat litter. And showers on the proper day.

purple_kangaroo said...

That sounds like a great plan!


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