Ki likes me to write a story to go with the 'every-5-chapter-quiz' in his book. So I use the problems they have to create a story(often slightly changing or adding questions). He does LIFE OF FRED for math. (book 2)
Bridge to cross from Chapter 10 to Chapter 11:
show your work on separate paper.
The chickens have made their way through 10 chapters. The first few chapters proved a bit difficult to navigate, but they have made it, with the help of their Guide, Ki.
The chickens have come to a long bridge. In the middle of the bridge they see their grandma’s house.
“ Bawk-Bawk-BUCAW!”; they all shout in excitement! They love visiting Grandma! She bakes yummy treats!
They arrive at Grandma’s house and sit down to await their yummy baked goods. They each have a plate. Each plate has a Different diameter. The Red chicken has a plate with the diameter of 7.4”. The green chicken is on a diet and has a small plate. Its diameter is only 2 inches. The yellow chicken has a square plate that is 4.5 inches across. Grandma says she will serve their treats once they tell her the circumference of their plates. (or perimeter on the case of the yellow chicken with the mutated plate)
(1)Red Chicken’s plate ____________
(2)Green Chicken’s Plate ___________
(3)Yellow Chicken’s misfit, square plate ____________
As soon as they find the answer to their math problems, Grandmas gives them each one of her (in)Famous Seed Muffins.
recipe - each muffine requires:
65.3 grams stone-ground flour
4.75 grams cheese powder
2 Cups cement
1 small package bird seed
50.3 milliliters water
They use their knives to cut a slice of the muffin. Cutting a slice of Grandma’s (in)Famous Seed Muffin is both difficult AND a function. Does this function have an inverse?
(4)____________ How many ounces in a cup? (4b) _________
If grandma used 4 ounces less water that what the recipe said, how much water would she have used?
(5) ________________
Ki the guide appears suddenly and hands a paper to the Green Chicken. It is rolled up like a scroll and had a purple ribbon around it. It is a special quest, just for the Green Chicken. The Green Chicken unrolls his Special Quest scroll to reveal what he must do.
Ki the Guide has given him the following Question: Let “W” stand for the Set of WHOLE Numbers. You know that 5 Є W. Fill in the symbols for the following::
(6) Grandma’s (in)famous Seed Muffin _______ W
(7) 15/3 _______ W
(8) Pi _______ W
The Green Chicken passed his Quest and instantly vanished. Ki the Guide transported him to the other side of the bridge. Now there are only 2 young chicks and an old hen.
That makes 3 fowls in the house. On the floor there are 45,178,311 wiggling worms to be eat, Ki the Guide asks them if each fowl can get the same amount? (9) _________
The Red chicken answered, incorrectly. The yummy worms disappeared, much to the chagrin of the farm fowls.
Grandma Hen decided to make more muffins. She has plenty of all ingredients needed to make a huge batch of her (infamous seed muffins, all except the cheese powder. She only has 30 grams of cheese powder. How many muffins can she make with that amount of cheese powder?
(10) ______ . Will there be cheese powder left over? if so, how much? _______
The first chicken with the correct answer will be transported to the other side of the bridge.
*** SWOOOOSH****
Only the yellow chicken remained with Grandma; the yellow chicken and his square plate.
Grandma Hen now only needs to make 2 muffins. She puts the flour and the cheese powder for both muffins into a bowl. How many total grams is that?
(11) __________
After grandma Hen finishes mixing the ingredients for the muffins, Ki the Guide appears again. He hand a stone tablet to the Yellow Chicken. The Yellow Chicken does not have thumbs, so the stone tablet just falls to the ground. Luckily it is Face-Up and the Yellow Chicken can read it.
The Stone Table says; “In order to join your friends on the other side of the bridge, you must answer the following Questions about Grandma Hen’s (in)famous muffins:
(A) There are 63.573 milligrams of sunflower seeds in 1 package of seed mix. How many milligrams of sunflower seeds are in 2 packages. Round your Answer to the nearest hundredth. ______________
(B) There are 69.234 Milligrams of poppy seeds in 1 package of seed mix. How many Milligrams of poppy seeds are in 2 packages. Round your answer to the nearest hundred. _________
(C) Why are grandma’s (in)famous Seed Muffins so difficult to cut? ____________________________________________________________
The Yellow chicken passed the Quest and was promptly deposited on the other side of the bridge with the other 2 chickens. They happily skipped off to Chapter 11.