"I don't like to read."
So we get to the library and drop off a very overdue book. It was one of the 3 very overdue books we have right now. But the only one that could be founds.
Connor (15) and Ki (14) find a comfy seat. I suggest they find a book to read. Ki tells me;
"I don't like to read."
He doesn't.
Connor wanted to be squirrelly and spend the time reading all the signs backwards.
We were sitting next to the shelf that houses books in DISEASES. I was scanning the titles excitedly deducing which of these wonderful selections I wanted to devour first!
It just doesn't get much better than a good plague!
So I sit down and start reading the book about PLAGUES.
Page 2 starts with something like...
"Within a few short days hundreds had fallen ill. Early signs were fever, hoarseness, and coughing. Soon the ill had swollen tissue, severe headaches, vomiting and diarrhea."
I take the book to Ki and tell him what an awesome book! How many books start out like this!..... and read it to him. I read onto the next paragraph.
Next thing I know h is holding the book and has decided he wants to read it.
There he is. My self-professed "I don't like to read" child... reading away.
Connor sees a book on the paperback display. He comments on how funny the cover is. It is all white with a picture of a baby chicken...... upside down.
that's it. With the title across the bottom....
"flipped". Connor thought that was VERY interesting!
We talked about marketing techniques as Ki goes over and gets the book with the Flipped Over Chick and starts reading it.
Connor is still having fun reading the different signs backwards and counting dots on his chair.
Ki has now read parts of 2 different books. Not bad for a kid who hates to read.
Then we got Gavin and went to the mall for lunch. (100 is too hot to eat at home)
After lunch we go to the $1 Bookstore where Gavin finds 5 different books on computer programming and programming languages. (I found 3 murder mysteries). I pay for the 8 books and G wants to go explore the other side of the Computer Texts Shelf and spend is $20. I told him to get through these 5 books first.
No "real school" today. or yesterday. Or last Friday. or last Thursday.
Just lots of Life Learning. We'll get to some planned lessons tomorrow.
we spent a 4 day weekend at Feast of Mars.